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UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api Class Reference

This class is the primary interface for interacting with the Canvas API.

Inheritance diagram for UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api:
Collaboration graph


struct  ColumnEntryUpdate
 Represents one update to a custom column entry. More...
struct  QuotaInfo
 Contains the total storage quota and quota usage for a user. More...

Public Types

enum class  AccountIncludes : byte { Default = 0 , LtiGuid = 1 << 0 , RegistrationSettings = 1 << 1 , Services = 1 << 2 }
 Additional data which can be included in Account responses. More...
enum class  CourseEnrollmentTypes : byte {
  Teacher = 1 << 0 , Student = 1 << 1 , Ta = 1 << 2 , Observer = 1 << 3 ,
  Designer = 1 << 4 , StudentView = 1 << 5
 The types of enrollment a user can have in a course. More...
enum class  CourseStates : byte {
  Created = 1 << 0 , Claimed = 1 << 1 , Available = 1 << 2 , Completed = 1 << 3 ,
  Deleted = 1 << 4 , All = 1 << 5
 The types of states a course can have. More...
enum class  CourseStatesAlt { Unpublished = 1 << 0 , Available = 1 << 1 , Completed = 1 << 2 , Deleted = 1 << 3 }
 An alternate version of CourseStates used by StreamUserCourses(). More...
enum class  AccountLevelCourseIncludes : byte {
  SyllabusBody = 1 << 0 , Term = 1 << 1 , CourseProgress = 1 << 2 , StorageQuotaUsedMb = 1 << 3 ,
  TotalStudents = 1 << 4 , Teachers = 1 << 5 , AccountName = 1 << 6 , Concluded = 1 << 7 ,
  Everything = byte.MaxValue
 Optional account-related data to include with courses. More...
enum class  CourseSort : byte { CourseName , SisCourseId , Teacher , AccountName }
 Categories that courses can be sorted by. More...
enum class  CourseSearchBy : byte { Course , Teacher }
 Categories that courses can be searched by. More...
enum class  StudentCourseSummarySortColumn : byte {
  Name , NameDescending , Score , ScoreDescending ,
  Participations , ParticipationsDescending , PageViews , PageViewsDescending
 The columns which the data from Api.StreamCourseStudentSummary can be sorted by. More...
enum class  Order : byte { Ascending , Descending }
 Direction to sort by. More...
enum class  OnDuplicate : byte { Overwrite , Rename }
 Behavior when encountering a duplicate item. More...
enum class  AppointmentVisibilityScope : byte { Reservable , Manageable }
 The kind of relationship a user can have with an appointment group. More...
enum class  AppointmentGroupIncludes : byte {
  Appointments = 1 << 0 , Reservations = 1 << 1 , ParticipantCount = 1 << 2 , ReservedTimes = 1 << 3 ,
  AllContextCodes = 1 << 4 , Everything = byte.MaxValue
 Data that can be included in responses containing appointment groups. More...
enum class  AssignmentIncludes {
  Default = 0 , Submission = 1 << 0 , AssignmentVisibility = 1 << 1 , Overrides = 1 << 2 ,
  ObservedUsers = 1 << 3 , AllDates = 1 << 4
 Categories of optional data that can be requested for inclusion within Assignment objects. More...
enum class  AssignmentBucket {
  Past , Overdue , Undated , Ungraded ,
  Unsubmitted , Upcoming , Future
 Buckets that assignments can be sorted into. More...
enum class  IndividualLevelCourseIncludes : uint {
  SyllabusBody = 1 << 0 , Term = 1 << 1 , CourseProgress = 1 << 2 , StorageQuotaUsedMb = 1 << 3 ,
  TotalStudents = 1 << 4 , Teachers = 1 << 5 , AccountName = 1 << 6 , Concluded = 1 << 7 ,
  AllCourses = 1 << 8 , Permissions = 1 << 9 , ObservedUsers = 1 << 10 , CourseImage = 1 << 11 ,
  NeedsGradingCount = 1 << 12 , PublicDescription = 1 << 13 , TotalScores = 1 << 14 , CurrentGradingPeriodScores = 1 << 15 ,
  Account = 1 << 16 , Sections = 1 << 17 , PassbackStatus = 1 << 18 , Favorites = 1 << 19 ,
  Everything = uint.MaxValue
 Categories of optional data that can be included with Course objects, when fetched individually by ID. More...
enum class  CourseUserIncludes {
  Enrollments = 1 , Locked = 1 << 1 , AvatarUrl = 1 << 2 , TestStudent = 1 << 3 ,
  Bio = 1 << 4 , CustomLinks = 1 << 5 , CurrentGradingPeriodScores = 1 << 6 , Uuid = 1 << 7
 Optional data that can be included with results from StreamCourseUsers(). More...
enum class  DiscussionTopicIncludes {
  Default = 0 , AllDates = 1 << 0 , Sections = 1 << 1 , SectionsUserCount = 1 << 2 ,
  Overrides = 1 << 3
 Categories of optional data that can be requested for inclusion within DiscussionTopic objects. More...
enum class  DiscussionTopicOrdering { Position , RecentActivity , Title }
 An ordering that can be applied to sets of DiscussionTopic. More...
enum class  DiscussionTopicScopes { Locked = 1 << 0 , Unlocked = 1 << 1 , Pinned = 1 << 2 , Unpinned = 1 << 3 }
 Scopes that DiscussionTopics can be filtered by. More...
enum class  CourseEnrollmentRoleTypes {
  StudentEnrollment , TeacherEnrollment , TaEnrollment , ObserverEnrollment ,
 The types of enrollment a user can have in a course, in terms of enrollment role. More...
enum class  CourseEnrollmentState {
  Active , Invited , Inactive , Rejected ,
 The states of enrollment a user can have in a course. More...
enum class  CourseEnrollmentStateAlt { Active , InvitedOrPending , Completed }
 An alternate version of CourseEnrollmentState used by StreamUserCourses(). More...
enum class  CourseEnrollmentIncludes : byte {
  AvatarUrl = 1 << 0 , GroupIds = 1 << 1 , Locked = 1 << 2 , ObservedUsers = 1 << 3 ,
  CanBeRemoved = 1 << 4 , Uuid = 1 << 5
 Categories of optional data that can be requested for inclusion within Enrollment objects. More...
enum class  EnrollmentTermWorkflowStateFilter { Active , Deleted , All }
 Categories of workflow state to filter by when querying enrollment terms. More...
enum class  EnrollmentTermIncludes { Overrides }
 Optional data that can be included with EnrollmentTerm objects. More...
enum class  ExternalToolContextType : byte { Group , Course , Account }
enum class  ExternalToolPlacementType {
  AccountNavigation , CourseHomeSubNavigation , CourseNavigation , EditorButton ,
  HomeworkSubmission , MigrationSelection , ResourceSelection , LinkSelection ,
  ToolConfiguration , UserNavigation
enum class  FileIncludes : byte { User = 1 << 0 , UsageRights = 1 << 1 }
 Categories of optional data that can be requested for inclusion within CanvasFile objects. More...
enum class  FileSort : byte {
  Name , Size , CreatedAt , UpdatedAt ,
  ContentType , User
 Categories a CanvasFile can be sorted by. More...
enum class  ModuleIncludeType : byte { None , TryIncludeItems , TryIncludeItemsAndContentDetails }
 Include modes for API methods returning Module. More...
enum class  PageSort { Title , CreatedAt , UpdatedAt }
 Keys by which a Page can be sorted. More...
enum class  SectionIncludes : byte {
  Students = 1 << 0 , AvatarUrl = 1 << 1 , Enrollments = 1 << 2 , TotalStudents = 1 << 3 ,
  PassbackStatus = 1 << 4 , Everything = byte.MaxValue
 Additional data which can be included in Section responses. More...

Public Member Functions

async IAsyncEnumerable< AccountStreamAccounts (AccountIncludes includes=AccountIncludes.Default)
 Stream the accounts in this domain. More...
async Task< AccountGetAccount (ulong accountId)
 Get a single account by id. More...
async Task< BasicAccountPermissionsSetGetAccountPermissions (AccountRolePermissions checkedPermissions, ulong? accountId=null)
 Get the permissions set of an account. More...
async Task< TermsOfServiceGetTermsOfService (ulong? accountId=null)
 Get an account's Terms of Service. More...
async Task< HelpLinksGetHelpLinks (ulong? accountId=null)
 Get an account's set of help links. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< Course > > ListCourses (ulong? accountId=null, string searchTerm=null, bool? withEnrollmentsOnly=null, bool? published=null, bool? completed=null, bool? blueprint=null, bool? blueprintAssociated=null, ulong? enrollmentTermId=null, IEnumerable< ulong > byTeachers=null, IEnumerable< ulong > bySubaccounts=null, CourseEnrollmentTypes? enrollmentTypes=null, CourseStates? states=null, AccountLevelCourseIncludes? includes=null, CourseSort? sort=null, CourseSearchBy? searchBy=null, Order? order=null)
 Returns a list of courses associated with the account. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< CourseStreamCourses (ulong? accountId=null, string searchTerm=null, bool? withEnrollmentsOnly=null, bool? published=null, bool? completed=null, bool? blueprint=null, bool? blueprintAssociated=null, ulong? enrollmentTermId=null, IEnumerable< ulong > byTeachers=null, IEnumerable< ulong > bySubaccounts=null, CourseEnrollmentTypes? enrollmentTypes=null, CourseStates? states=null, AccountLevelCourseIncludes? includes=null, CourseSort? sort=null, CourseSearchBy? searchBy=null, Order? order=null)
 Asynchronously streams the courses associated with this account. More...
Task< DepartmentParticipationGetDepartmentParticipationData (ulong termId, ulong? accountId=null)
 Gets the page view and participation counts across all courses in the department during the given term. More...
Task< DepartmentParticipationGetDefaultTermDepartmentParticipationData (bool currentCourses=true, ulong? accountId=null)
 Gets the page view and participation counts across all current or completed courses in the department during the default term. More...
Task< Dictionary< byte, ulong > > GetDepartmentGradeData (ulong termId, ulong? accountId=null)
 Gets the distribution of grades for students across all courses in the department during the given term. More...
Task< Dictionary< byte, ulong > > GetDefaultTermDepartmentGradeData (bool currentCourses=true, ulong? accountId=null)
 Gets the distribution of grades for students across all current or completed courses in the department during the default term. More...
Task< DepartmentStatisticsGetDepartmentStatistics (ulong termId, ulong? accountId=null)
 Gets some numeric statistics about the department relative to the given term. More...
Task< DepartmentStatisticsGetDefaultTermDepartmentStatistics (bool currentCourses=true, ulong? accountId=null)
 Gets some numeric statistics about the department relative to current ot completed courses in the default term. More...
async Task< UserParticipationGetUserCourseParticipationData (ulong userId, ulong courseId)
 Gets participation details for the user for the entire history of the course. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< UserAssignmentDataGetUserCourseAssignmentData (ulong courseId, ulong userId)
 Returns a list of assignments for the course sorted by due date, along with assignment information, grade breakdown, and submission information if relevant. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< CourseStudentSummaryStreamCourseStudentSummary (ulong courseId, ulong? studentId=null, StudentCourseSummarySortColumn? sortBy=null)
 Gets a summary of per-user access information for students in this course, including total page views, total participations, and a breakdown of late statuses for all submissions. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< CourseAssignmentSummaryStreamCourseAssignmentSummary (ulong courseId)
 Gets a summary of per-assignment information for this course, including statistical analysis of assignment scores. More...
 Api (string token, string baseUrl, TimeSpan? timeout=null)
 Construct a new API instance. More...
void Dispose ()
void MasqueradeAs (ulong id)
 If the current user is an administrator, he can "act as" another user. When this is set, every API call will be made as if it came from this user's token, even if the user does not have any tokens generated. Audit logs will indicate if an action was made through masquerade, though.
void StopMasquerading ()
 Stop "acting as" any user. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< AppointmentGroupStreamAppointmentGroups (AppointmentVisibilityScope? scope=null, bool? includePast=null, AppointmentGroupIncludes? includes=null, IEnumerable< EventContext > contexts=null)
 Streams the appointment groups that can be managed or reserved by the current user. More...
AppointmentGroupBuilder CreateAppointmentGroup (string title, IEnumerable< EventContext > contexts)
 Returns an AppointmentGroupBuilder for creating a new appointment group. More...
AppointmentGroupBuilder CreateAppointmentGroup (string title, params EventContext[] contexts)
 Returns an AppointmentGroupBuilder for creating a new appointment group. More...
AppointmentGroupBuilder EditAppointmentGroup (AppointmentGroup appointmentGroup)
 Returns an AppointmentGroupBuilder for modifying an existing appointment group. More...
AppointmentGroupBuilder EditAppointmentGroup (AppointmentGroup appointmentGroup, IEnumerable< EventContext > contexts)
 Returns an AppointmentGroupBuilder for modifying an existing appointment group. More...
AppointmentGroupBuilder EditAppointmentGroup (AppointmentGroup appointmentGroup, params EventContext[] contexts)
 Returns an AppointmentGroupBuilder for modifying an existing appointment group. More...
async Task< AppointmentGroupGetAppointmentGroup (ulong id, AppointmentGroupIncludes includes=0)
 Gets a single appointment group. More...
async Task< AppointmentGroupDeleteAppointmentGroup (ulong id, string reason=null)
 Deletes an appointment group. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< T > StreamAppointmentGroupParticipants< T > (ulong appointmentGroupId)
 Streams all registered participants in the assignment group. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< AssignmentOverride > > ListAssignmentOverrides (ulong courseId, ulong assignmentId)
 Lists the assignment overrides for a given assignment. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< AssignmentOverrideStreamAssignmentOverrides (ulong courseId, ulong assignmentId)
 Streams the assignment overrides for a given assignment. More...
async Task< AssignmentOverrideGetAssignmentOverride (ulong courseId, ulong assignmentId, ulong overrideId)
 Gets an AssignmentOverride by the course, assignment, and override IDs. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< AssignmentOverride > > BatchGetAssignmentOverrides (ulong courseId, ILookup< ulong, ulong > assignmentsToOverrides)
 Gets a collection of AssignmentOverride objects, given a course id, a set of override ids, and the assignments they belong to. More...
AssignmentOverrideBuilder CreateAssignmentOverride (ulong courseId, ulong assignmentId)
 Returns an AssignmentOverrideBuilder for creating a new assignment override. More...
async Task< SubmissionSubmitCourseAssignment (ulong courseId, ulong assignmentId, [NotNull] INewSubmissionContent submissionContent, string comment=null)
 Make a submission under the current user for this assignment. More...
AssignmentBuilder CreateAssignment (ulong courseId)
 Returns a AssignmentBuilder for creating a new assignment. More...
AssignmentBuilder EditAssignment (ulong courseId, ulong assignmentId)
 Returns a AssignmentBuilder for editing an existing assignment. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< AssignmentStreamCourseAssignments (ulong courseId, AssignmentIncludes includes=AssignmentIncludes.Default, string searchTerm=null, bool? overrideAssignmentDates=null, bool? needsGradingCountBySection=null, AssignmentBucket? bucket=null, IEnumerable< ulong > assignmentIds=null, string orderBy=null)
 Streams all assignments in this course that are visible to the current user. More...
async Task< AssignmentGetAssignment (ulong courseId, ulong assignmentId, AssignmentIncludes includes=AssignmentIncludes.Default, bool? overrideAssignmentDates=null, bool? needsGradingCountBySection=null, bool? allDates=null)
 Gets a single assignment from this course. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< AuthenticationEventStreamUserAuthenticationEvents (ulong userId, DateTime? start=null, DateTime? end=null)
 Streams the list of authentication events recorded for the given user. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< AuthenticationEventStreamAccountAuthenticationEvents (ulong? accountId=null, DateTime? start=null, DateTime? end=null)
 Streams the list of authentication events recorded for the given account. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< CalendarEventStreamCalendarEvents (ulong? userId=null, EventType? type=null, DateTime? startDate=null, DateTime? endDate=null, bool? undated=null, bool? allEvents=null, IEnumerable< EventContext > contexts=null)
 Stream calendar events. More...
async Task< ContentShareCreateContentShare ([NotNull] IEnumerable< ulong > receivers, ContentShareType contentType, ulong contentId, ulong? senderId=null)
 Create a content share between one sender and one or more receivers. More...
Task< ContentShareCreateContentShare ([NotNull][ItemNotNull] IEnumerable< User > receivers, ContentShareType contentType, ulong contentId, ulong? senderId=null)
 Create a content share between one sender and one or more receivers. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< ContentShareWithReceiversStreamSentContentShares (ulong? userId=null)
 Stream the content shares for which some user is a sender. More...
IAsyncEnumerable< ContentShareWithReceiversStreamSentContentShares ([NotNull] User sender)
 Stream the content shares for which some user is a sender. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< ContentShareWithSenderStreamReceivedContentShares (ulong? userId=null)
 Stream the content shares for which some user is a receiver. More...
IAsyncEnumerable< ContentShareWithSenderStreamReceivedContentShares ([NotNull] User receiver)
 Stream the content shares for which some user is a receiver. More...
async Task< ContentShareGetContentShare (ulong shareId, ulong? userId=null)
 Get a single content share by its id and associated user. More...
Task< ContentShareGetContentShare (ulong shareId, [NotNull] User user)
 Get a single content share by its id and associated user. More...
async Task DeleteContentShare (ulong shareId, ulong? userId=null)
 Delete a single content share by its id from the list of a user. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< ConversationCreateConversation (IEnumerable< QualifiedId > recipients, string body, string subject=null, bool? forceNew=null, bool? groupConversation=null, IEnumerable< string > attachmentIds=null, string mediaCommentId=null, string mediaCommentType=null, bool? addJournalEntry=null, QualifiedId? context=null)
 Creates and streams one or more conversations.
When creating a private conversation, if a private conversation already exists between the current user and the recipient, the existing one will be reused, unless forceNew is true. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< ConversationStreamConversations (ConversationReadState? readState=null, IEnumerable< QualifiedId > filter=null, bool filterIntersection=false, bool includeParticipantAvatars=false)
 Streams the conversations visible to the current user. More...
async Task< DetailedConversationGetConversation (ulong conversationId, bool markAsRead=false)
 Gets a single conversation by id. More...
async Task< ConversationEditConversation (ulong conversationId, ConversationReadState? readState=null, bool? subscribed=null, bool? starred=null)
 Edits the current user's view of a conversation by id. More...
async Task< ConversationAddMessageToConversation (ulong conversationId, string body, IEnumerable< QualifiedId > specificRecipients=null, IEnumerable< ulong > includedMessages=null, IEnumerable< string > attachmentIds=null, string mediaCommentId=null, string mediaCommentType=null, bool? addJournalEntry=null)
 Adds a message to the given conversation. More...
async Task< CourseGetCourse (ulong courseId, ulong? accountId=null, IndividualLevelCourseIncludes? includes=null, uint? teacherLimit=null)
 Get a single course by id. More...
CourseBuilder CreateCourse (ulong? accountId=null)
 Return a new Builders.CourseBuilder. More...
CourseBuilder EditCourse (ulong courseId, ulong? accountId=null)
 Return a new Builders.CourseBuilder for editing. More...
async Task DeleteCourse (ulong courseId)
 Delete a course. More...
async Task ConcludeCourse (ulong courseId)
 End a course without deleting it. More...
async Task< CourseSettingsGetCourseSettings (ulong courseId)
 Get a course's settings. More...
async Task UpdateCourseSettings (ulong courseId, CourseSettings cs)
 Update a course's settings. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< UserStreamCourseUsers (ulong courseId, string searchTerm=null, IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentTypes > enrollmentTypes=null, ulong? enrollmentRole=null, CourseUserIncludes? includes=null, IEnumerable< ulong > userIds=null, IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentState > enrollmentStates=null)
 Streams the list of users enrolled in a course.
All arguments except for courseId are optional, and serve to narrow (or broaden) the results. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< CourseStreamUserCourses (ulong userId, IndividualLevelCourseIncludes? includes=null, CourseStatesAlt? courseStates=null, CourseEnrollmentStateAlt? enrollmentState=null, bool? homeroomCoursesOnly=null)
 Streams the list of courses a user is enrolled in. All arguments except userId are optional, and serve to narrow (or broaden) the results. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< UserStreamRecentCourseUsers (ulong courseId)
 Streams the list of users enrolled in a course who have recently logged in. More...
async Task< UserGetCourseTestStudent (ulong courseId)
 Returns the test student associated with a course. If the course does not already have a test student, a new one is created. The test student is used for the 'Student View' function on the webpage. More...
async Task< CourseProgressGetUserCourseProgress (ulong courseId, ulong? userId=null)
 Returns progress information for a user in a course. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< CustomColumnStreamCustomGradebookColumns (ulong courseId, bool? includeHidden=null)
 Streams the custom gradebook columns in the given course. More...
async Task< CustomColumnCreateCustomColumn (ulong courseId, string title, int? position=null, bool? hidden=null, bool? teacherNotes=null, bool? readOnly=null)
 Creates a new custom gradebook column in the given course. More...
async Task< CustomColumnUpdateCustomColumn (ulong columnId, ulong courseId, string title=null, int? position=null, bool? hidden=null, bool? teacherNotes=null, bool? readOnly=null)
 Updates an existing gradebook column. Any omitted optional parameter is unchanged. More...
async Task< CustomColumnDeleteCustomColumn (ulong columnId, ulong courseId)
 Deletes a gradebook column. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< ColumnDatumStreamColumnEntries (ulong columnId, ulong courseId)
 Streams column entries. More...
async Task< ColumnDatumUpdateColumnCustomEntry (ulong columnId, ulong courseId, ulong userId, string content)
 Updates the content of a custom column entry. More...
async Task UpdateCustomColumnEntries (ulong courseId, IEnumerable< ColumnEntryUpdate > updates)
 Bulk update the contents of several custom column entries. More...
async Task< DiscussionTopicGetCourseDiscussionTopic (ulong courseId, ulong discussionId, DiscussionTopicIncludes includes=DiscussionTopicIncludes.Default)
 Gets a single course discussion topic by its id. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< DiscussionTopic > > ListCourseDiscussionTopics (ulong id, DiscussionTopicOrdering? orderBy=null, DiscussionTopicScopes? scopes=null, bool? onlyAnnouncements=null, bool filterByUnread=false, string searchTerm=null, bool? excludeContextModuleLockedTopics=null, DiscussionTopicIncludes includes=DiscussionTopicIncludes.Default)
 Returns the list of discussion topics for this course. More...
CreateDiscussionTopicBuilder CreateCourseDiscussionTopic (ulong courseId)
 Returns a CreateDiscussionTopicBuilder for building a new discussion topic for the course. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< TopicReply > > ListDiscussionEntryReplies (ulong courseId, ulong topicId, ulong entryId, string type="courses")
 Gets the list of replies to a discussion entry. More...
async Task< TopicEntryPostCourseDiscussionEntry (ulong courseId, ulong discussionId, string messageBody, byte[] attachment=null, string filePath=null)
 Creates a new entry in the discussion topic. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< TopicEntry > > ListCourseDiscussionTopicEntries (ulong courseId, ulong topicId)
 Returns the list of discussion topic entries for the course topic. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< TopicEntry > > ListGroupDiscussionTopicEntries (ulong groupId, ulong topicId)
 Gets a list of discussion topic entries for a group topic, given the group and topic IDs. More...
async Task< EnrollmentCreateEnrollment (ulong courseId, ulong userId, CourseEnrollmentRoleTypes enrollmentType, ulong? roleId=null, CourseEnrollmentState? enrollmentState=null, ulong? courseSectionId=null, bool? limitPrivilegesToSection=null, bool? notify=null, string selfEnrollmentCode=null, bool? selfEnrolled=null, ulong? associatedUserId=null)
 Enrolls a user in a course. More...
Task< EnrollmentConcludeEnrollment (ulong courseId, ulong enrollmentId)
 Concludes an enrollment without deleting it.
This is the same action that occurs automatically when the user reaches the end of their time in the course, such as at the end of the school year. More...
Task< EnrollmentDeleteEnrollment (ulong courseId, ulong enrollmentId)
 Irrecoverably deletes an enrollment. More...
Task< EnrollmentDeactivateEnrollment (ulong courseId, ulong enrollmentId)
 Sets an enrollment to CourseEnrollmentState.Inactive. More...
async Task< bool > AcceptEnrollmentInvitation (ulong courseId, ulong enrollmentId)
 If the current user has a pending enrollment invitation, accepts it. More...
async Task< bool > DeclineEnrollmentInvitation (ulong courseId, ulong enrollmentId)
 If the current user has a pending enrollment invitation, decline it. More...
async Task< EnrollmentReactivateEnrollment (ulong courseId, ulong enrollmentId)
 Reactivate an enrollment that is inactive. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< EnrollmentStreamCourseEnrollments (ulong courseId, IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentRoleTypes > types=null, IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentState > states=null, CourseEnrollmentIncludes? includes=null, ulong? userId=null, ulong? gradingPeriodId=null, ulong? enrollmentTermId=null, string enrollmentTermSisId=null, IEnumerable< string > sisAccountIds=null, IEnumerable< string > sisCourseIds=null, IEnumerable< string > sisSectionIds=null, IEnumerable< string > sisUserIds=null, IEnumerable< bool > createdForSisId=null)
 Streams all enrollments for the course. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< EnrollmentStreamUserEnrollments (ulong userId, IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentRoleTypes > types=null, IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentState > states=null, CourseEnrollmentIncludes? includes=null, ulong? gradingPeriodId=null, ulong? enrollmentTermId=null, string enrollmentTermSisId=null, IEnumerable< string > sisAccountIds=null, IEnumerable< string > sisCourseIds=null, IEnumerable< string > sisSectionIds=null, IEnumerable< string > sisUserIds=null, IEnumerable< bool > createdForSisId=null)
 Streams all enrollments for the user. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< EnrollmentStreamSectionEnrollments (ulong sectionId, IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentRoleTypes > types=null, IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentState > states=null, CourseEnrollmentIncludes? includes=null, ulong? userId=null, ulong? gradingPeriodId=null, ulong? enrollmentTermId=null, string enrollmentTermSisId=null, IEnumerable< string > sisAccountIds=null, IEnumerable< string > sisCourseIds=null, IEnumerable< string > sisSectionIds=null, IEnumerable< string > sisUserIds=null, IEnumerable< bool > createdForSisId=null)
 Streams all enrollments for the section. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< EnrollmentTermStreamEnrollmentTerms (ulong? accountId=null, EnrollmentTermWorkflowStateFilter? workflowState=null, EnrollmentTermIncludes? includes=null)
 Streams the enrollment terms for an account. More...
async Task< EnrollmentTermGetEnrollmentTerm (ulong termId, ulong? accountId=null)
 Gets an enrollment term by id. More...
async Task< EnrollmentTermDeleteEnrollmentTerm (ulong termId, ulong? accountId=null)
 Deletes an enrollment term. More...
async Task< EnrollmentTermCreateEnrollmentTerm (EnrollmentTermBuilder builder, ulong? accountId=null)
 Creates an enrollment term. More...
async Task< EnrollmentTermUpdateEnrollmentTerm (ulong enrollmentId, EnrollmentTermBuilder builder, ulong? accountId=null)
 Updates an enrollment term. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< ExternalToolStreamExternalTools (ulong contextId, ExternalToolContextType contextType, string searchTerm=null, bool? filterSelectable=null, bool? includeParents=null, ExternalToolPlacementType? filterPlacement=null)
Task< CanvasFileUploadPersonalFile (byte[] file, string filePath, string parentFolderName=null)
 Uploads a file to the current user's personal files section. More...
async Task< FolderCreatePersonalFolder (string name, string parentFolderName=null, DateTime? lockDate=null, DateTime? unlockDate=null, bool? locked=null, bool? hidden=null, int? position=null)
 Create a folder in the current user's personal files section. More...
async Task< FolderGetPersonalFolder (ulong? folderId)
 Get a single personal folder for the current user. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< FolderStreamPersonalFolders ()
 Stream the current user's personal folders. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< CanvasFileStreamPersonalFiles (IEnumerable< ContentType > includeContentTypes=null, IEnumerable< ContentType > excludeContentTypes=null, string searchTerm=null, FileIncludes? includes=null, bool onlyIncludeFileNames=false, FileSort? sortBy=null, Order? order=null)
 Stream the current user's personal files. More...
async Task< CanvasFileGetPersonalFile (ulong fileId, FileIncludes? includes=null)
 Get a single personal file for the current user. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< Folder > > ResolvePersonalFolderPath (params string[] parts)
 Retrieve a hierarchy of personal folders from a path. More...
async Task< bool > PersonalFolderPathExists (params string[] parts)
 Determine if a personal folder exists at the given path. More...
async Task< QuotaInfo< ulong > > GetPersonalQuota ()
 Returns the storage quota in bytes of the current user, along with the amount currently used. More...
Task< QuotaInfo< decimal > > GetPersonalQuotaMiB ()
 Returns the storage quota in MiB of the current user, along with the amount currently used. More...
async Task< CanvasFileUpdatePersonalFile (ulong fileId, DateTime? lockAt=null, DateTime? unlockAt=null, bool? locked=null, bool? hidden=null)
 Updates a personal file for the current user. All arguments except for fileId are optional. More...
async Task< FolderUpdatePersonalFolder (ulong folderId, string name)
 Updates a personal folder for the current user. More...
async Task DeletePersonalFolder (ulong folderId, bool rf=false)
 Deletes a personal folder for the current user. More...
async Task< CanvasFileMovePersonalFile (ulong fileId, OnDuplicate onDuplicate, string name=null, ulong? destinationFolderId=null)
 Moves a personal file for the current user. More...
async Task< CanvasFileCopyPersonalFile (ulong fileId, ulong destinationFolderId, OnDuplicate onDuplicate)
 Copies a personal file for the current user. More...
async Task< CanvasFileDeletePersonalFile (ulong fileId, bool? replace=null)
 Deletes a personal file for the current user. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< Day > > GetGradebookDays (ulong courseId)
 Returns a list of days in the gradebook history for this course. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< Grader > > GetDailyGraders (ulong courseId, DateTime date)
 Returns a list of graders who worked this day, along with the assignments they worked on. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< SubmissionHistory > > GetDailySubmissionHistories (ulong courseId, DateTime date, ulong graderId, ulong assignmentId)
 Returns a list of submission histories for this day. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< SubmissionVersionStreamSubmissionVersions (ulong courseId, ulong? assignmentId=null, ulong? userId=null, bool? ascending=null)
 Streams an uncollated list of submission versions for all matching submissions in the context. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< GradeChangeEventStreamAssignmentGradeChangelog (ulong assignmentId, DateTime? start=null, DateTime? end=null)
 Streams the grade changelog for a single assignment. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< GradeChangeEventStreamCourseGradeChangelog (ulong courseId, DateTime? start=null, DateTime? end=null)
 Streams the grade changelog for a single course. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< GradeChangeEventStreamStudentGradeChangelog (ulong studentId, DateTime? start=null, DateTime? end=null)
 Streams the grade changelog for a single student. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< GradeChangeEventStreamGraderGradeChangelog (ulong graderId, DateTime? start=null, DateTime? end=null)
 Streams the grade changelog for a single grader. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< GradingPeriodStreamGradingPeriods (ulong courseId)
 Streams all grading periods in a course. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< GradingPeriodStreamAccountGradingPeriods (ulong accountId)
 Streams all grading periods in an account. More...
async Task< GradingPeriodGetGradingPeriod (ulong courseId, ulong gradingPeriodId)
 Gets a grading period by its id. More...
async Task< GradingPeriodUpdateGradingPeriod (ulong courseId, ulong gradingPeriodId, DateTime? startDate=null, DateTime? endDate=null, double? weight=null)
 Updates a single grading period. More...
IAsyncEnumerable< GradingPeriodBatchUpdateGradingPeriods (ulong gradingPeriodSetId, IEnumerable< GradingPeriodUpdate > gradingPeriodUpdates)
 Perform a batch update on grading periods within a grading period set. Existing grading periods can be updated, and new ones created. More...
IAsyncEnumerable< GradingPeriodBatchUpdateCourseGradingPeriods (ulong courseId, IEnumerable< GradingPeriodUpdate > gradingPeriodUpdates)
 Perform a batch update on grading periods within a course. Existing grading periods can be updated, and new ones created. More...
async Task DeleteGradingPeriod (ulong courseId, ulong gradingPeriodId)
 Deletes a grading period in a course. More...
async Task DeleteAccountGradingPeriod (ulong accountId, ulong gradingPeriodId)
 Deletes a grading period in an account. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< GradingPeriodSetStreamGradingPeriodSets (ulong accountId)
 Streams all grading period sets in an account. More...
async Task< GradingPeriodSetCreateGradingPeriodSet (ulong accountId, string title, [CanBeNull] IEnumerable< ulong > termIds=null, bool? weighted=null, bool? displayTotalsForAllGradingPeriods=null)
 Creates a new grading period set. More...
async Task UpdateGradingPeriodSet (ulong accountId, ulong gradingPeriodSetId, [CanBeNull] string title=null, [CanBeNull] IEnumerable< ulong > termIds=null, bool? weighted=null, bool? displayTotalsForAllGradingPeriods=null)
 Updates an existing grading period set. More...
async Task DeleteGradingPeriodSet (ulong accountId, ulong gradingPeriodSetId)
 Deletes a grading period set. More...
IAsyncEnumerable< UserLoginStreamUserLogins (ulong userId)
IAsyncEnumerable< UserLoginStreamAccountLogins (ulong accountId)
async Task< IEnumerable< ActivityStreamObject > > GetActivityStream (bool? onlyActiveCourses=null)
 Gets the activity stream for the current user. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< ActivityStreamObjectStreamActivityStream (bool? onlyActiveCourses=null)
 Streams the activity stream for the current user. More...
async Task< Dictionary< string, ActivityStreamSummaryEntry > > GetActivityStreamSummary ()
 Returns the summary of activity stream entries for the current user. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< PageViewStreamUserPageViews (ulong? userId=null, DateTime? startTime=null, DateTime? endTime=null)
 Streams the user's page view history. Page views are returned in descending order; newest to oldest. More...
async Task< JObject > DeleteCustomJson (string ns, string scopes="", ulong? userId=null)
 Delete arbitrary user data stored with StoreCustomJson. Corresponds to the API endpoint DELETE /api/v1/users/:user_id/custom_data(/*scope). More...
async Task< JObject > LoadCustomJson (string ns, string scopes, ulong? userId=null)
 Retrieve arbitrary user data as JSON. Corresponds to the API endpoint GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/custom_data(/*scope). More...
async Task< JObject > StoreCustomJson (string ns, string scopes, JObject data, ulong? userId=null)
 Store arbitrary user data as JSON. Corresponds to the API endpoint PUT /api/v1/users/:user_id/custom_data(/*scope). More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< ModuleStreamModules (ulong courseId, [CanBeNull] string searchTerm=null, ulong? studentId=null, ModuleIncludeType includes=ModuleIncludeType.None)
 Streams the list of modules for the given course. More...
async Task< ModuleGetModule (ulong moduleId, ulong courseId, ulong? studentId=null, ModuleIncludeType includes=ModuleIncludeType.None)
 Gets a module by its id and course id. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< ModuleItemStreamModuleItems (ulong moduleId, ulong courseId, bool includeContentDetails=true, [CanBeNull] string searchTerm=null, ulong? studentId=null)
 Streams the items in a module. More...
async Task< ModuleItemSequenceGetModuleItemSequence (ulong courseId, ModuleAssetType assetType, ulong assetId)
 Given an asset, find the module item sequence it belongs to. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< UserStreamObservees (ulong observerId)
 Streams the observees associated with an observer. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< UserStreamObservers (ulong observeeId)
 Streams the observers associated with an observee. More...
async Task< UserAddObservee (ulong observerId, ulong observeeId, ulong? rootAccountId=null)
 Set a user to be observed by another user. More...
async Task< UserRemoveObservee (ulong observerId, ulong observeeId, ulong? rootAccountId=null)
 Set a user to stop being observed by another user. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< PageStreamCoursePages (ulong courseId, PageSort? sort=null, Order? order=null, string searchTerm=null, bool? published=null)
 Stream all pages for a course. More...
async Task< PageGetCoursePage (ulong courseId, string url)
 Get a single course page by its URL. More...
async Task< PageGetCourseFrontPage (ulong courseId)
 Get a course's front page. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< PageRevisionStreamCoursePageRevisionHistory (ulong courseId, string url)
 Streams the history of course page revisions. More...
async Task< PageRevisionGetCoursePageRevision (ulong courseId, string url, ulong revisionId, bool? omitDetails=null)
 Returns a single course page revision. More...
async Task< ProficiencyGetProficiencyRatings (ulong? accountId=null)
 Gets the proficiency ratings for an account. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< ReportDescription > > ListAvailableReports (ulong? accountId=null)
 Get a list of available report types and parameters for a given account. More...
async Task< ReportStartReport (string reportType, IEnumerable<(string, object)> parameters, ulong? accountId=null)
 Run a report. More...
async Task< ReportGetReportStatus (string reportType, ulong reportId, ulong? accountId=null)
 Gets the status of a report by id. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< Report > > GetReportIndex (string reportType, ulong? accountId=null)
 Get a set of reports for an account, given the report type. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< Role > > ListRoles (RoleState states=0, bool? showInherited=null, ulong? accountId=null)
 Returns a list of roles under a given account. More...
Task< RoleCreateRole (string label, in RolePermissionsSet? permissions=null, string baseRoleType=null, ulong? accountId=null)
 Creates a new role. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< SectionStreamCourseSections (ulong courseId, SectionIncludes includes=0)
 Streams all sections in a course. More...
async Task< SectionGetSection (ulong courseId, ulong sectionId)
 Gets a single section by course and section id. More...
async Task< SectionCrossListSection (ulong sectionId, ulong targetCourseId)
 Cross-lists a section. More...
async Task< SectionUnCrossListSection (ulong sectionId)
 Removes the cross-listing of a section. More...
async Task< SisImportImportSisData ([NotNull] byte[] file, [NotNull] string filePath, ulong? accountId=null, bool batchMode=false, bool? overrideStickiness=null)
 Performs a SIS import. More...
async Task< SisImportGetSisImport (ulong id, ulong? accountId=null)
 Gets a previously performed SIS import. More...
CreateUserBuilder CreateUser (string accountId="self")
 Returns a CreateUserBuilder for creating a new user. More...
async Task< UserEditUser (IEnumerable< ValueTuple< string, string >> fields, ulong? id=null)
 Modify an existing user. The fields that can be modified are: {name, short_name, sortable_name, time_zone, email, locale, title, bio}. Corresponds to the API endpoint PUT /api/v1/users/:id More...
async Task< ProfileGetUserProfile (ulong? id=null)
 Get the profile of a user. More...
async Task< UserGetUser (ulong? id=null)
 Get details for a user, including a non-comprehensive list of permissions. More...
ValueTask< UserGetUserBySis (string sis)
 Search for a user by SIS id. More...
ValueTask< UserGetUserByLoginSis (string sis)
 Search for a user by SIS id, using user login records. More...
async Task< IEnumerable< User > > ListUsers (string searchTerm=null, string sort=null, string order=null, string accountId="self")
 Get the list of users associated with the account. Corresponds to the API endpoint GET /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/users. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< UserStreamUsers (string searchTerm=null, string sort=null, string order=null, string accountId="self")
 Stream the list of users associated with the account. Corresponds to the API endpoint GET /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/users. More...
async Task< UserDeleteUser (ulong userId, ulong? accountId=null)
 Delete a user. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< ToDoItemStreamToDoItems (bool includeUngradedQuizzes=false)
 Stream the current user's to-do items. More...
async IAsyncEnumerable< AssignmentStreamMissingAssignments (ulong? userId=null, bool submittableOnly=false, bool includePlannerOverrides=false, bool includeCourse=false)
 Stream a user's past-due assignments which have no submissions. More...

Detailed Description

This class is the primary interface for interacting with the Canvas API.

API instances are intended to be be reused between calls, and should only be constructed once per token, per thread.
The only internal state maintained by this class is HttpClient, which is thread safe; and the masquerade state, which is not thread safe. Do not share the same instance of this class between threads if any thread will call MasqueradeAs or StopMasquerading.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ AccountIncludes

Additional data which can be included in Account responses.


No additional data.


Include LTI GUID.


Include registration settings.


Include services.

◆ AccountLevelCourseIncludes

Optional account-related data to include with courses.


Include the course syllabus body.


Include the course term.


Include the course progress.


Include the storage quota used by the course.


Include the total amount of students in the course.


Include course teacher data.


Include the account name.


Include the course's conclusion status.


Include everything.

◆ AppointmentGroupIncludes

Data that can be included in responses containing appointment groups.


The individual calendar events representing each time slot.


The individual reservations, if any exist.


The number of reservations.


The id, start time, and end time of reservations the current user has made in the appointment group.


All context codes associated with the appointment group.


Include all optional data for the appointment group.

◆ AppointmentVisibilityScope

The kind of relationship a user can have with an appointment group.


The user can make a reservation in the appointment group.


The user can manage the appointment group.

◆ AssignmentBucket

Buckets that assignments can be sorted into.


Past assignments.


Overdue assignments.


Undated assignments.


Ungraded assignments.


Unsubmitted assignments.


Upcoming assignments.


Future assignments.

◆ AssignmentIncludes

Categories of optional data that can be requested for inclusion within Assignment objects.


Include no extra data.


Include the assignment's submissions.


Include the assignment's visibility information.


Include any applicable assignment overrides.


Include any observed users.


Include all relevant dates.

◆ CourseEnrollmentIncludes

Categories of optional data that can be requested for inclusion within Enrollment objects.


Include avatar URLs.


Include group ids.


Include locked status.


Include observation information.


Include whether the enrollment is removable.


Include UUIDs.

◆ CourseEnrollmentRoleTypes

The types of enrollment a user can have in a course, in terms of enrollment role.

These are distinct, in Canvas, from the values of CourseEnrollmentTypes.


The user is a student.


The user is a teacher.


The user is a TA.


The user is an observer.


The user is a designer.

◆ CourseEnrollmentState

The states of enrollment a user can have in a course.


The user can participate in the course.


The user has been sent a course invitation, and will become Active once they accept.


The student appears in the course roster, but is unable to participate in the course.

◆ CourseEnrollmentStateAlt

An alternate version of CourseEnrollmentState used by StreamUserCourses().

◆ CourseEnrollmentTypes

The types of enrollment a user can have in a course.

These are distinct, in Canvas, from the values of CourseEnrollmentRoleTypes.


The user is a teacher.


The user is a student.


The user is a TA.


The user is an observer.


The user is a course designer.


The user is a test student.

◆ CourseSearchBy

Categories that courses can be searched by.


Search by course.


Search by teacher.

◆ CourseSort

Categories that courses can be sorted by.


Sort by course name.


Sort by course SIS id.


Sort by teacher.


Sort by the account the course is under.

◆ CourseStates

The types of states a course can have.


The course is freshly created.


The course is claimed.


The course is available.


The course has concluded.


The course has been deleted.


All states; used for searching and filtering.

◆ CourseStatesAlt

An alternate version of CourseStates used by StreamUserCourses().

◆ CourseUserIncludes

Optional data that can be included with results from StreamCourseUsers().


Include each user's course enrollment.


Include whether the enrollment is locked.


Include each user's avatar url.


Include the course's test student with the overall list.


Include each user's bio.


Include each user's custom links supplied by plugins.


Depends on CourseUserIncludes.Enrollments. Modifies the grades and scores returned with the enrollment objects to be for the current grading period.


Include each user's UUID.

◆ DiscussionTopicIncludes

Categories of optional data that can be requested for inclusion within DiscussionTopic objects.


Include no optional data.


Include relevant dates.


Include section information.


Include quantitative section information.


Include any overrides.

◆ DiscussionTopicOrdering

An ordering that can be applied to sets of DiscussionTopic.


Order by the topic position.


Order by recent activity.


Order by the topic title.

◆ DiscussionTopicScopes

Scopes that DiscussionTopics can be filtered by.


The topic is locked.


The topic is unlocked.


The discussion is pinned to the top.


The discussion is not pinned.

◆ EnrollmentTermIncludes

Optional data that can be included with EnrollmentTerm objects.


Include any term overrides.

◆ EnrollmentTermWorkflowStateFilter

Categories of workflow state to filter by when querying enrollment terms.

See also
Api.StreamEnrollmentTerms, EnrollmentTerm

The term is active.


The term is deleted.


All terms.

◆ FileIncludes

Categories of optional data that can be requested for inclusion within CanvasFile objects.


Include the file's owner as a complete user object.


Include usage rights/licensing information for the file.

◆ FileSort

Categories a CanvasFile can be sorted by.


Sort by name.


Sort by size.


Sort by creation time.


Sort by update time.


Sort by content type.


Sort by the file owner.

◆ IndividualLevelCourseIncludes

Categories of optional data that can be included with Course objects, when fetched individually by ID.

These options are generally unavailable when fetching courses in bulk, such as by StreamCourses().


Include the syllabus body.


Include the course term.


Include the course progress.


Include the amount of storage quota this course has used.


Include the total number of students in the course.


Include the teachers of the course.


Include the name of the account or subaccount the course is associated with.


Include whether the course is concluded.


Include related courses.


Include course permissions.


Include observed users.


Include the course image.


Include the count of how many assignments need grading.


Include the course's public description.


Include the course's overall scores.


Include the course's scores for the current grading period.


Include the account or subaccount the course is associated with.


Include the course's sections.


Include the course's passback status.


Include the course's favorites.


Include all possible data.

◆ ModuleIncludeType

Include modes for API methods returning Module.

Canvas allows these includes to be omitted even if requested if they exceed an unspecified size. Consider using StreamModuleItems for this data instead of relying on includes.

See also
Api.StreamModules, Api.GetModule

No additional includes requested.


Try to include module items.


Try to include module items and content details.

◆ OnDuplicate

Behavior when encountering a duplicate item.


Overwrite the previous item with the new item.


Rename the new item.

◆ Order

Direction to sort by.


Sort in ascending order.


Sort in descending order.

◆ PageSort

Keys by which a Page can be sorted.


Sort by the page title/


Sort by the page creation date.


Sort by the page update date.

◆ SectionIncludes

Additional data which can be included in Section responses.


Include the students.


Include avatar URLs.


Include the enrollments.


Include the count of students.


Include the passback status.


Include all optional data.

◆ StudentCourseSummarySortColumn

The columns which the data from Api.StreamCourseStudentSummary can be sorted by.


Sort by name, ascending.


Sort by name, descending.


Sort by score, ascending.


Sort by score, descending.


Sort by participation, ascending.


Sort by participation, descending.


Sort by page views, ascending.


Sort by page views, descending.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Api()

UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.Api ( string  token,
string  baseUrl,
TimeSpan?  timeout = null 

Construct a new API instance.

tokenThe token used to authenticate this API instance.
baseUrlThe base API url, e.g. https://YOUR_ORGANIZATION.instructure.com/api/v1/
timeout(Optional) The maximum amount of time one request may take before it is cancelled.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AcceptEnrollmentInvitation()

async Task<bool> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.AcceptEnrollmentInvitation ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  enrollmentId 

If the current user has a pending enrollment invitation, accepts it.

courseIdThe course.
enrollmentIdThe enrollment to accept.
Whether or not the operation was successful.

◆ AddMessageToConversation()

async Task<Conversation> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.AddMessageToConversation ( ulong  conversationId,
string  body,
IEnumerable< QualifiedId specificRecipients = null,
IEnumerable< ulong >  includedMessages = null,
IEnumerable< string >  attachmentIds = null,
string  mediaCommentId = null,
string  mediaCommentType = null,
bool?  addJournalEntry = null 

Adds a message to the given conversation.

conversationIdThe conversation id.
bodyThe message to send.
specificRecipients(Optional) Specific recipients to send the message to.
includedMessages(Optional) The set of past messages to send to recipients not already present in the conversation.
attachmentIds(Optional) Attachment ids. Attachments must have been uploaded to the current user's attachments folder.
mediaCommentId(Optional) Media comment id.
mediaCommentType(Optional) Media comment type.
addJournalEntry(Optional) If true, a faculty journal entry will be created to record this conversation.
The conversation.

◆ AddObservee()

async Task<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.AddObservee ( ulong  observerId,
ulong  observeeId,
ulong?  rootAccountId = null 

Set a user to be observed by another user.

observerIdThe user to become the observer.
observeeIdThe user to become the observee.
rootAccountId(Optional) The id of the root account with which to associate the link.
The observee.

◆ BatchGetAssignmentOverrides()

async Task<IEnumerable<AssignmentOverride> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.BatchGetAssignmentOverrides ( ulong  courseId,
ILookup< ulong, ulong >  assignmentsToOverrides 

Gets a collection of AssignmentOverride objects, given a course id, a set of override ids, and the assignments they belong to.

courseIdThe course id.
assignmentsToOverridesA mapping of assignment ids to override ids.
The collection of AssignmentOverrides.

◆ BatchUpdateCourseGradingPeriods()

IAsyncEnumerable<GradingPeriod> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.BatchUpdateCourseGradingPeriods ( ulong  courseId,
IEnumerable< GradingPeriodUpdate gradingPeriodUpdates 

Perform a batch update on grading periods within a course. Existing grading periods can be updated, and new ones created.

courseIdThe course id.
gradingPeriodUpdatesThe list of updates.
The stream of new and updated grading periods.

◆ BatchUpdateGradingPeriods()

IAsyncEnumerable<GradingPeriod> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.BatchUpdateGradingPeriods ( ulong  gradingPeriodSetId,
IEnumerable< GradingPeriodUpdate gradingPeriodUpdates 

Perform a batch update on grading periods within a grading period set. Existing grading periods can be updated, and new ones created.

gradingPeriodSetIdThe grading period set id.
gradingPeriodUpdatesThe list of updates.
The stream of new and updated grading periods.

◆ ConcludeCourse()

async Task UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ConcludeCourse ( ulong  courseId)

End a course without deleting it.

courseIdThe course id.
The concluded course.

◆ ConcludeEnrollment()

Task<Enrollment> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ConcludeEnrollment ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  enrollmentId 

Concludes an enrollment without deleting it.
This is the same action that occurs automatically when the user reaches the end of their time in the course, such as at the end of the school year.

courseIdThe course.
enrollmentIdThe enrollment.
The concluded enrollment.

◆ CopyPersonalFile()

async Task<CanvasFile> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CopyPersonalFile ( ulong  fileId,
ulong  destinationFolderId,
OnDuplicate  onDuplicate 

Copies a personal file for the current user.

fileIdThe file id.
destinationFolderIdThe id of the folder to copy the file into.
onDuplicateThe action taken to resolve a duplicate.
The new file.

◆ CreateAppointmentGroup() [1/2]

AppointmentGroupBuilder UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateAppointmentGroup ( string  title,
IEnumerable< EventContext contexts 

Returns an AppointmentGroupBuilder for creating a new appointment group.

titleThe title of the appointment group.
contextsThe event contexts relevant to the appointment group.
The AppointmentGroupBuilder.

◆ CreateAppointmentGroup() [2/2]

AppointmentGroupBuilder UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateAppointmentGroup ( string  title,
params EventContext[]  contexts 

Returns an AppointmentGroupBuilder for creating a new appointment group.

titleThe title of the appointment group.
contextsThe event contexts relevant to the appointment group.
The AppointmentGroupBuilder.

◆ CreateAssignment()

AssignmentBuilder UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateAssignment ( ulong  courseId)

Returns a AssignmentBuilder for creating a new assignment.

courseIdThe course id.
The builder.

◆ CreateAssignmentOverride()

AssignmentOverrideBuilder UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateAssignmentOverride ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  assignmentId 

Returns an AssignmentOverrideBuilder for creating a new assignment override.

courseIdThe course id.
assignmentIdThe assignment id.
The AssignmentOverrideBuilder.

◆ CreateContentShare() [1/2]

async Task<ContentShare> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateContentShare ( [NotNull] IEnumerable< ulong >  receivers,
ContentShareType  contentType,
ulong  contentId,
ulong?  senderId = null 

Create a content share between one sender and one or more receivers.

receiversThe list of receiver ids.
contentTypeThe type of the content being shared.
contentIdThe id of the content being shared.
senderId(Optional) The id of the sender. Self by default.
The created content share.

◆ CreateContentShare() [2/2]

Task<ContentShare> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateContentShare ( [ItemNotNull] IEnumerable< User receivers,
ContentShareType  contentType,
ulong  contentId,
ulong?  senderId = null 

Create a content share between one sender and one or more receivers.

receiversThe list of receivers.
contentTypeThe type of the content being shared.
contentIdThe id of the content being shared.
senderId(Optional) The id of the sender. Self by default.
The created content share.

◆ CreateConversation()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Conversation> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateConversation ( IEnumerable< QualifiedId recipients,
string  body,
string  subject = null,
bool?  forceNew = null,
bool?  groupConversation = null,
IEnumerable< string >  attachmentIds = null,
string  mediaCommentId = null,
string  mediaCommentType = null,
bool?  addJournalEntry = null,
QualifiedId context = null 

Creates and streams one or more conversations.
When creating a private conversation, if a private conversation already exists between the current user and the recipient, the existing one will be reused, unless forceNew is true.

recipientsThe recipients of the created conversations(s).
bodyThe message to send.
subject(Optional) The subject of the conversation. This is ignored when a conversation is reused.
forceNew(Optional) If true, prevents conversations from being reused.
groupConversation(Optional) If true, a group conversation will be created with all recipients.
attachmentIds(Optional) Attachment ids. Attachments must have been uploaded to the current user's attachments folder.
mediaCommentId(Optional) Media comment id.
mediaCommentType(Optional) Media comment type.
addJournalEntry(Optional) If true, a faculty journal entry will be created to record this conversation.
context(Optional) The context of this conversation (???).
The created conversations.

◆ CreateCourse()

CourseBuilder UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateCourse ( ulong?  accountId = null)

Return a new Builders.CourseBuilder.

accountId(Optional) The account id.
The course builder.

◆ CreateCourseDiscussionTopic()

CreateDiscussionTopicBuilder UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateCourseDiscussionTopic ( ulong  courseId)

Returns a CreateDiscussionTopicBuilder for building a new discussion topic for the course.

courseIdThe course id.
The builder.

◆ CreateCustomColumn()

async Task<CustomColumn> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateCustomColumn ( ulong  courseId,
string  title,
int?  position = null,
bool?  hidden = null,
bool?  teacherNotes = null,
bool?  readOnly = null 

Creates a new custom gradebook column in the given course.

courseIdThe course id.
titleThe title of the column.
position(Optional) The position of the column relative to other columns.
hidden(Optional; default = false) If true, this column will be hidden.
teacherNotes(Optional; default = false) If true, this column will be considered a teacher notes column.
readOnly(Optional; default = false) If true, this column will not be editable through the UI.
The newly created column.

◆ CreateEnrollment()

async Task<Enrollment> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateEnrollment ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  userId,
CourseEnrollmentRoleTypes  enrollmentType,
ulong?  roleId = null,
CourseEnrollmentState enrollmentState = null,
ulong?  courseSectionId = null,
bool?  limitPrivilegesToSection = null,
bool?  notify = null,
string  selfEnrollmentCode = null,
bool?  selfEnrolled = null,
ulong?  associatedUserId = null 

Enrolls a user in a course.

courseIdThe course id.
userIdThe user id.
enrollmentTypeThe enrollment type.
roleIdAn optional course-level role to assign to the user.
enrollmentStateThe enrollment state. CourseEnrollmentState.Invited by default.
If CourseEnrollmentState.Invited, the user will be sent a course invite.
courseSectionIdOptionally, the course section to enroll in.
limitPrivilegesToSectionOptionally, only allow this user to interact with users in the same section.
notifyWhether or not this user should be notified to changes in the course. Disabled by default.
selfEnrollmentCodeIf self-enrolling, the self-enrollment code.
selfEnrolledWhether or not this is a self-enrollment.
associatedUserIdIf this is an observer enrollment, the id of the target student.
The new enrollment.

◆ CreateEnrollmentTerm()

async Task<EnrollmentTerm> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateEnrollmentTerm ( EnrollmentTermBuilder  builder,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Creates an enrollment term.

builderThe completed EnrollmentTermBuilder.
accountIdThe account id. Defaults to the current account.
The newly created EnrollmentTerm.

◆ CreateGradingPeriodSet()

async Task<GradingPeriodSet> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateGradingPeriodSet ( ulong  accountId,
string  title,
[CanBeNull] IEnumerable< ulong >  termIds = null,
bool?  weighted = null,
bool?  displayTotalsForAllGradingPeriods = null 

Creates a new grading period set.

accountIdThe id of the account under which to create the grading period set.
titleThe title of the set.
termIdsOptional; Term ids to associate with the set.
weightedOptional; Whether the set is weighted.
displayTotalsForAllGradingPeriodsOptional; Whether the totals for all grading periods in the set are displayed.
The newly created set.

◆ CreatePersonalFolder()

async Task<Folder> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreatePersonalFolder ( string  name,
string  parentFolderName = null,
DateTime?  lockDate = null,
DateTime?  unlockDate = null,
bool?  locked = null,
bool?  hidden = null,
int?  position = null 

Create a folder in the current user's personal files section.

nameThe folder name.
parentFolderName(Optional) The path to create the folder in. By default, root.
lockDate(Optional) The date to lock the folder on.
unlockDate(Optional) The date to unlock the folder on.
locked(Optional) Lock the folder.
hidden(Optional) Hide the folder.
position(Optional) The folder's position in the list of folders.
The new folder.

◆ CreateRole()

Task<Role> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateRole ( string  label,
in RolePermissionsSet permissions = null,
string  baseRoleType = null,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Creates a new role.

labelThe role's name/label.
permissionsThe role's permissions.
baseRoleTypeThe existing role type to inherit from.
accountIdThe account id. Defaults to the current account.
The newly created Role.

◆ CreateUser()

CreateUserBuilder UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CreateUser ( string  accountId = "self")

Returns a CreateUserBuilder for creating a new user.

accountIdThe account to create the user under. self by default.
The builder.

◆ CrossListSection()

async Task<Section> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.CrossListSection ( ulong  sectionId,
ulong  targetCourseId 

Cross-lists a section.

sectionIdThe section id.
targetCourseIdThe course to cross-list with.
The section.

◆ DeactivateEnrollment()

Task<Enrollment> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeactivateEnrollment ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  enrollmentId 

Sets an enrollment to CourseEnrollmentState.Inactive.

courseIdThe course.
enrollmentIdThe enrollment.
The inactivated enrollment.

◆ DeclineEnrollmentInvitation()

async Task<bool> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeclineEnrollmentInvitation ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  enrollmentId 

If the current user has a pending enrollment invitation, decline it.

courseIdThe course.
enrollmentIdThe enrollment to accept.
Whether or not the operation was successful.

◆ DeleteAccountGradingPeriod()

async Task UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeleteAccountGradingPeriod ( ulong  accountId,
ulong  gradingPeriodId 

Deletes a grading period in an account.

accountIdThe id of the account the grading period belongs to.
gradingPeriodIdThe id of the grading period.

◆ DeleteAppointmentGroup()

async Task<AppointmentGroup> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeleteAppointmentGroup ( ulong  id,
string  reason = null 

Deletes an appointment group.

idThe id of the group.
reasonAn optional reason.
The deleted appointment group.

◆ DeleteContentShare()

async Task UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeleteContentShare ( ulong  shareId,
ulong?  userId = null 

Delete a single content share by its id from the list of a user.

shareIdThe id of the share.
userId(Optional) The user whose view of the share will be deleted. Self by default.
A void task.

The share will still be visible to other users.

◆ DeleteCourse()

async Task UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeleteCourse ( ulong  courseId)

Delete a course.

courseIdThe course id.
The deleted course.

◆ DeleteCustomColumn()

async Task<CustomColumn> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeleteCustomColumn ( ulong  columnId,
ulong  courseId 

Deletes a gradebook column.

columnIdThe column id.
courseIdThe course id.
The deleted column.

◆ DeleteCustomJson()

async Task<JObject> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeleteCustomJson ( string  ns,
string  scopes = "",
ulong?  userId = null 

Delete arbitrary user data stored with StoreCustomJson. Corresponds to the API endpoint DELETE /api/v1/users/:user_id/custom_data(/*scope).

nsThe namespace under which the data is stored.
scopesThe scope, and optionally subscopes, under which the data is stored. Omit scope to delete all custom data.
userIdThe id of the user.
The JSON data that was deleted.
See also

◆ DeleteEnrollment()

Task<Enrollment> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeleteEnrollment ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  enrollmentId 

Irrecoverably deletes an enrollment.

courseIdThe course.
enrollmentIdThe enrollment.
The deleted enrollment.

◆ DeleteEnrollmentTerm()

async Task<EnrollmentTerm> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeleteEnrollmentTerm ( ulong  termId,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Deletes an enrollment term.

termIdThe term id.
accountIdThe account id. Defaults to the current account.
The now-deleted EnrollmentTerm.

◆ DeleteGradingPeriod()

async Task UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeleteGradingPeriod ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  gradingPeriodId 

Deletes a grading period in a course.

courseIdThe id of the course the grading period belongs to.
gradingPeriodIdThe id of the grading period.

◆ DeleteGradingPeriodSet()

async Task UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeleteGradingPeriodSet ( ulong  accountId,
ulong  gradingPeriodSetId 

Deletes a grading period set.

accountIdThe id of the account the grading period set belongs to.
gradingPeriodSetIdThe id of the grading period set.

◆ DeletePersonalFile()

async Task<CanvasFile> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeletePersonalFile ( ulong  fileId,
bool?  replace = null 

Deletes a personal file for the current user.

fileIdThe file id.
replace(Optional) If true, the file and all generated previews will be replaced with a blank placeholder.
The file.

◆ DeletePersonalFolder()

async Task UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeletePersonalFolder ( ulong  folderId,
bool  rf = false 

Deletes a personal folder for the current user.

folderIdThe folder id.
rf(Optional) If true, the folder does not need to be empty.

◆ DeleteUser()

async Task<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.DeleteUser ( ulong  userId,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Delete a user.

userIdThe user id.
accountIdThe account the user is under. self by default.
The deleted user.

◆ EditAppointmentGroup() [1/3]

AppointmentGroupBuilder UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.EditAppointmentGroup ( AppointmentGroup  appointmentGroup)

Returns an AppointmentGroupBuilder for modifying an existing appointment group.

appointmentGroupThe AppointmentGroup to edit.
The AppointmentGroupBuilder.

◆ EditAppointmentGroup() [2/3]

AppointmentGroupBuilder UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.EditAppointmentGroup ( AppointmentGroup  appointmentGroup,
IEnumerable< EventContext contexts 

Returns an AppointmentGroupBuilder for modifying an existing appointment group.

appointmentGroupThe AppointmentGroup to edit.
contextsThe new set of event contexts; these will replace the previous event contexts.
The AppointmentGroupBuilder.

◆ EditAppointmentGroup() [3/3]

AppointmentGroupBuilder UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.EditAppointmentGroup ( AppointmentGroup  appointmentGroup,
params EventContext[]  contexts 

Returns an AppointmentGroupBuilder for modifying an existing appointment group.

appointmentGroupThe AppointmentGroup to edit.
contextsThe new set of event contexts; these will replace the previous event contexts.
The AppointmentGroupBuilder.

◆ EditAssignment()

AssignmentBuilder UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.EditAssignment ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  assignmentId 

Returns a AssignmentBuilder for editing an existing assignment.

courseIdThe course id.
assignmentIdThe assignment id.
The builder.

◆ EditConversation()

async Task<Conversation> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.EditConversation ( ulong  conversationId,
ConversationReadState readState = null,
bool?  subscribed = null,
bool?  starred = null 

Edits the current user's view of a conversation by id.

conversationIdThe conversation id.
readState(Optional) Changes the read state of the conversation.
subscribed(Optional) Changes the subscribed state of this conversation.
starred(Optional) Changes the starred state of this conversation.
The edited conversation.

◆ EditCourse()

CourseBuilder UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.EditCourse ( ulong  courseId,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Return a new Builders.CourseBuilder for editing.

courseIdThe course id.
accountId(Optional) The account id.
The course builder.

◆ EditUser()

async Task<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.EditUser ( IEnumerable< ValueTuple< string, string >>  fields,
ulong?  id = null 

Modify an existing user. The fields that can be modified are: {name, short_name, sortable_name, time_zone, email, locale, title, bio}. Corresponds to the API endpoint PUT /api/v1/users/:id

fieldsThe set of field-value tuples to modify.
idThe id of the user. A null id is interpreted as self.
The edited user.
ExceptionThrown if the API returns a failing response code.

◆ GetAccount()

async Task<Account> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetAccount ( ulong  accountId)

Get a single account by id.

accountIdThe account id.
The account.

◆ GetAccountPermissions()

async Task<BasicAccountPermissionsSet> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetAccountPermissions ( AccountRolePermissions  checkedPermissions,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Get the permissions set of an account.

checkedPermissionsThe permissions to test.
accountId(Optional; default = self) The account id.
The account permissions set.

◆ GetActivityStream()

async Task<IEnumerable<ActivityStreamObject> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetActivityStream ( bool?  onlyActiveCourses = null)

Gets the activity stream for the current user.

onlyActiveCoursesIf true, only entries for active courses will be returned.
The list of activity stream entries.

◆ GetActivityStreamSummary()

async Task<Dictionary<string, ActivityStreamSummaryEntry> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetActivityStreamSummary ( )

Returns the summary of activity stream entries for the current user.

The map of activity stream types to their counts.

◆ GetAppointmentGroup()

async Task<AppointmentGroup> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetAppointmentGroup ( ulong  id,
AppointmentGroupIncludes  includes = 0 

Gets a single appointment group.

idThe id of the group.
includesOptional data to include in the result.
The appointment group.

◆ GetAssignment()

async Task<Assignment> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetAssignment ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  assignmentId,
AssignmentIncludes  includes = AssignmentIncludes.Default,
bool?  overrideAssignmentDates = null,
bool?  needsGradingCountBySection = null,
bool?  allDates = null 

Gets a single assignment from this course.

courseIdThe course id.
assignmentIdThe assignment id.
includesOptional extra data to include in the assignment response.
overrideAssignmentDatesApply assignment overrides to dates. Defaults to true.
needsGradingCountBySectionSplit the NeedsGradingCount key into sections. Defaults to false.
allDatesReturn all dates associated with the assignment, if applicable.
The assignment.
See also

◆ GetAssignmentOverride()

async Task<AssignmentOverride> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetAssignmentOverride ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  assignmentId,
ulong  overrideId 

Gets an AssignmentOverride by the course, assignment, and override IDs.

courseIdThe course id.
assignmentIdThe assignment id.
overrideIdThe override id.
The AssignmentOverride.

◆ GetContentShare() [1/2]

Task<ContentShare> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetContentShare ( ulong  shareId,
[NotNull] User  user 

Get a single content share by its id and associated user.

shareIdThe id of the share.
userThe user with whom the share is associated with.
The share.

The current user must be an observer of user , or an administrator.

◆ GetContentShare() [2/2]

async Task<ContentShare> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetContentShare ( ulong  shareId,
ulong?  userId = null 

Get a single content share by its id and associated user.

shareIdThe id of the share.
userId(Optional) The user with whom the share is associated with. Self by default.
The share.

The current user must be an observer of userId , or an administrator.

◆ GetConversation()

async Task<DetailedConversation> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetConversation ( ulong  conversationId,
bool  markAsRead = false 

Gets a single conversation by id.

conversationIdThe conversation id.
markAsRead(Optional, default false) If true, mark the conversation as read.
DoesNotExistExceptionIf the conversation with the given id does not exist or is not visible to the current user.
The conversation.

◆ GetCourse()

async Task<Course> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetCourse ( ulong  courseId,
ulong?  accountId = null,
IndividualLevelCourseIncludes includes = null,
uint?  teacherLimit = null 

Get a single course by id.

courseIdThe course id.
accountId(Optional) The account id.
includesAdditional data to include.

◆ GetCourseDiscussionTopic()

async Task<DiscussionTopic> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetCourseDiscussionTopic ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  discussionId,
DiscussionTopicIncludes  includes = DiscussionTopicIncludes.Default 

Gets a single course discussion topic by its id.

courseIdThe course id.
discussionIdThe discussion id.
includesExtra data to include in the result. See DiscussionTopicIncludes.
The discussion topic.

◆ GetCourseFrontPage()

async Task<Page> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetCourseFrontPage ( ulong  courseId)

Get a course's front page.

courseIdThe course id.
The page.

◆ GetCoursePage()

async Task<Page> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetCoursePage ( ulong  courseId,
string  url 

Get a single course page by its URL.

courseIdThe course id.
urlThe page URL.
The page.

◆ GetCoursePageRevision()

async Task<PageRevision> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetCoursePageRevision ( ulong  courseId,
string  url,
ulong  revisionId,
bool?  omitDetails = null 

Returns a single course page revision.

courseIdThe course id.
urlThe page URL.
revisionIdThe revision id.
omitDetails(Optional) If true, omits page contents.
The page revision.

◆ GetCourseSettings()

async Task<CourseSettings> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetCourseSettings ( ulong  courseId)

Get a course's settings.

courseIdThe course id.
The course settings.

◆ GetCourseTestStudent()

async Task<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetCourseTestStudent ( ulong  courseId)

Returns the test student associated with a course. If the course does not already have a test student, a new one is created. The test student is used for the 'Student View' function on the webpage.

courseIdThe course id.
The test student.

◆ GetDailyGraders()

async Task<IEnumerable<Grader> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetDailyGraders ( ulong  courseId,
DateTime  date 

Returns a list of graders who worked this day, along with the assignments they worked on.

courseIdThe course id.
dateThe day.
The list of graders.

◆ GetDailySubmissionHistories()

async Task<IEnumerable<SubmissionHistory> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetDailySubmissionHistories ( ulong  courseId,
DateTime  date,
ulong  graderId,
ulong  assignmentId 

Returns a list of submission histories for this day.

courseIdThe course id.
dateThe date.
graderIdThe grader id.
assignmentIdThe assignment id.
The list of submission histories.

◆ GetDefaultTermDepartmentGradeData()

Task<Dictionary<byte, ulong> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetDefaultTermDepartmentGradeData ( bool  currentCourses = true,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Gets the distribution of grades for students across all current or completed courses in the department during the default term.

currentCoursesIf true, the data returned will be across current courses. Otherwise, it will be across completed courses. True by default.
accountIdThe account. self by default.
The grade data.

◆ GetDefaultTermDepartmentParticipationData()

Task<DepartmentParticipation> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetDefaultTermDepartmentParticipationData ( bool  currentCourses = true,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Gets the page view and participation counts across all current or completed courses in the department during the default term.

currentCoursesIf true, the data returned will be across current courses. Otherwise, it will be across completed courses. True by default.
accountIdThe account. self by default.
The participation data.

◆ GetDefaultTermDepartmentStatistics()

Task<DepartmentStatistics> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetDefaultTermDepartmentStatistics ( bool  currentCourses = true,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Gets some numeric statistics about the department relative to current ot completed courses in the default term.

currentCoursesIf true, the data returned will be across current courses. Otherwise, it will be across completed courses. True by default.
accountIdThe account. self by default.
The statistics.

◆ GetDepartmentGradeData()

Task<Dictionary<byte, ulong> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetDepartmentGradeData ( ulong  termId,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Gets the distribution of grades for students across all courses in the department during the given term.

termIdThe term to get data for.
accountIdThe account. self by default.
The grade data.

◆ GetDepartmentParticipationData()

Task<DepartmentParticipation> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetDepartmentParticipationData ( ulong  termId,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Gets the page view and participation counts across all courses in the department during the given term.

termIdThe term to get data for.
accountIdThe account. self by default.
The participation data.

◆ GetDepartmentStatistics()

Task<DepartmentStatistics> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetDepartmentStatistics ( ulong  termId,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Gets some numeric statistics about the department relative to the given term.

termIdThe term to get data for.
accountIdThe account. self by default.
The statistics.

◆ GetEnrollmentTerm()

async Task<EnrollmentTerm> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetEnrollmentTerm ( ulong  termId,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Gets an enrollment term by id.

termIdThe term id.
accountIdThe account id. Defaults to the current account.
The EnrollmentTerm.

◆ GetGradebookDays()

async Task<IEnumerable<Day> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetGradebookDays ( ulong  courseId)

Returns a list of days in the gradebook history for this course.

courseIdThe course id.
The list of days.

◆ GetGradingPeriod()

async Task<GradingPeriod> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetGradingPeriod ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  gradingPeriodId 

Gets a grading period by its id.

courseIdThe id of the course the grading period belongs to.
gradingPeriodIdThe id of the grading period.
The grading period.

◆ GetHelpLinks()

async Task<HelpLinks> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetHelpLinks ( ulong?  accountId = null)

Get an account's set of help links.

accountId(Optional; default = self) The account id.
The set of help links.

◆ GetModule()

async Task<Module> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetModule ( ulong  moduleId,
ulong  courseId,
ulong?  studentId = null,
ModuleIncludeType  includes = ModuleIncludeType.None 

Gets a module by its id and course id.

moduleIdThe module id.
courseIdThe course id.
studentId(Optional) A student id. Returns module completion information for this student if specified.
includes(Optional) Additional data to request in the result.
The module.

Canvas does not guarantee that includes requested in includes will actually be included. Consider using StreamModuleItems.

◆ GetModuleItemSequence()

async Task<ModuleItemSequence> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetModuleItemSequence ( ulong  courseId,
ModuleAssetType  assetType,
ulong  assetId 

Given an asset, find the module item sequence it belongs to.

courseIdThe course id.
assetTypeThe asset type.
assetIdThe asset id.
The item sequence.

◆ GetPersonalFile()

async Task<CanvasFile> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetPersonalFile ( ulong  fileId,
FileIncludes includes = null 

Get a single personal file for the current user.

fileIdThe file id.
includes(Optional) Extra data to include with the result.
The file.

◆ GetPersonalFolder()

async Task<Folder> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetPersonalFolder ( ulong?  folderId)

Get a single personal folder for the current user.

folderId(Optional) The folder id. By default, root.
The folder.

◆ GetPersonalQuota()

async Task<QuotaInfo<ulong> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetPersonalQuota ( )

Returns the storage quota in bytes of the current user, along with the amount currently used.

The quota information.

◆ GetPersonalQuotaMiB()

Task<QuotaInfo<decimal> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetPersonalQuotaMiB ( )

Returns the storage quota in MiB of the current user, along with the amount currently used.

The quota information.

◆ GetProficiencyRatings()

async Task<Proficiency> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetProficiencyRatings ( ulong?  accountId = null)

Gets the proficiency ratings for an account.

accountIdThe account id. Defaults to the current account.
The Proficiency.

◆ GetReportIndex()

async Task<IEnumerable<Report> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetReportIndex ( string  reportType,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Get a set of reports for an account, given the report type.

reportTypeThe report type.
accountIdThe account id. Defaults to the current account.
The collection of Reports.

◆ GetReportStatus()

async Task<Report> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetReportStatus ( string  reportType,
ulong  reportId,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Gets the status of a report by id.

reportTypeThe report type.
reportIdThe report id.
accountIdThe account id the report was run under; defaults to self.
The task containing the report.

◆ GetSection()

async Task<Section> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetSection ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  sectionId 

Gets a single section by course and section id.

courseIdThe course id.
sectionIdThe section id.
The section.

◆ GetSisImport()

async Task<SisImport> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetSisImport ( ulong  id,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Gets a previously performed SIS import.

idThe import ID.
accountIdThe account id. Defaults to the current account.
The SisImport.

◆ GetTermsOfService()

async Task<TermsOfService> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetTermsOfService ( ulong?  accountId = null)

Get an account's Terms of Service.

accountId(Optional; default = self) The account id.
The Terms of Service.

◆ GetUser()

async Task<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetUser ( ulong?  id = null)

Get details for a user, including a non-comprehensive list of permissions.

idThe id of the user. A null id is interpreted as self.
The User object.
ExceptionThrown if the API returns a failing response code.

◆ GetUserByLoginSis()

ValueTask<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetUserByLoginSis ( string  sis)

Search for a user by SIS id, using user login records.

sisThe SIS id to search for.
The user with the matching SIS id, or null if none exists.

In the event that a user has more than one SIS id, the faster GetUserBySis method may fail because User.SisUserId can only return one value. In that case, use this method.

See also

◆ GetUserBySis()

ValueTask<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetUserBySis ( string  sis)

Search for a user by SIS id.

sisThe SIS id to search for.
The user with the matching SIS id, or null if none exists.

In the event that a user has more than one SIS id, this method may fail because User.SisUserId can only return one value. In that case, use the slower GetUserByLoginSis method.

See also

◆ GetUserCourseAssignmentData()

async IAsyncEnumerable<UserAssignmentData> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetUserCourseAssignmentData ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  userId 

Returns a list of assignments for the course sorted by due date, along with assignment information, grade breakdown, and submission information if relevant.

courseIdThe course id.
userIdThe user id.
The data.

◆ GetUserCourseParticipationData()

async Task<UserParticipation> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetUserCourseParticipationData ( ulong  userId,
ulong  courseId 

Gets participation details for the user for the entire history of the course.

userIdThe user id.
courseIdThe course id.
The data.

◆ GetUserCourseProgress()

async Task<CourseProgress> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetUserCourseProgress ( ulong  courseId,
ulong?  userId = null 

Returns progress information for a user in a course.

courseIdThe course id.
userIdThe user id. Defaults to 'self'.
The course progress.

◆ GetUserProfile()

async Task<Profile> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.GetUserProfile ( ulong?  id = null)

Get the profile of a user.

idThe id of the user. A null id is interpreted as self.
The user profile.
ExceptionThrown if the API returns a failing response code.

◆ ImportSisData()

async Task<SisImport> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ImportSisData ( [NotNull] byte[]  file,
[NotNull] string  filePath,
ulong?  accountId = null,
bool  batchMode = false,
bool?  overrideStickiness = null 

Performs a SIS import.

fileThe file containing the import data.
filePathThe file path.
accountIdThe account id. Defaults to the current account.
batchModeWhether the import should be run in batch mode. Normally, when the import file is missing an entry currently present in Canvas, the entry is left alone. In batch mode, it will be deleted instead. Defaults to false.
overrideStickinessWhether the import should override SIS stickiness.
The SisImport.

◆ ListAssignmentOverrides()

async Task<IEnumerable<AssignmentOverride> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ListAssignmentOverrides ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  assignmentId 

Lists the assignment overrides for a given assignment.

courseIdThe course id.
assignmentIdThe assignment id.
The list of overrides.

◆ ListAvailableReports()

async Task<IEnumerable<ReportDescription> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ListAvailableReports ( ulong?  accountId = null)

Get a list of available report types and parameters for a given account.

accountIdThe account id. Defaults to self.
The list of available report types.

◆ ListCourseDiscussionTopicEntries()

async Task<IEnumerable<TopicEntry> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ListCourseDiscussionTopicEntries ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  topicId 

Returns the list of discussion topic entries for the course topic.

courseIdThe course id.
topicIdThe course topic.
The list of discussion topic entries.

◆ ListCourseDiscussionTopics()

async Task<IEnumerable<DiscussionTopic> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ListCourseDiscussionTopics ( ulong  id,
DiscussionTopicOrdering orderBy = null,
DiscussionTopicScopes scopes = null,
bool?  onlyAnnouncements = null,
bool  filterByUnread = false,
string  searchTerm = null,
bool?  excludeContextModuleLockedTopics = null,
DiscussionTopicIncludes  includes = DiscussionTopicIncludes.Default 

Returns the list of discussion topics for this course.

idThe course id.
orderByThe order of the list. DiscussionTopicOrdering.Position is the default.
scopesFilter the results by those that match all of these states. No filtering by default.
onlyAnnouncementsOnly return announcements.
filterByUnreadOnly return unread by the current user.
searchTermAn optional search term.
excludeContextModuleLockedTopicsFor students, exclude topics that are locked by module progression.
includesExtra data to include in the result. See DiscussionTopicIncludes.
The list of discussion topics.
See also
DiscussionTopicIncludes, DiscussionTopicOrdering, DiscussionTopicScopes

◆ ListCourses()

async Task<IEnumerable<Course> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ListCourses ( ulong?  accountId = null,
string  searchTerm = null,
bool?  withEnrollmentsOnly = null,
bool?  published = null,
bool?  completed = null,
bool?  blueprint = null,
bool?  blueprintAssociated = null,
ulong?  enrollmentTermId = null,
IEnumerable< ulong >  byTeachers = null,
IEnumerable< ulong >  bySubaccounts = null,
CourseEnrollmentTypes enrollmentTypes = null,
CourseStates states = null,
AccountLevelCourseIncludes includes = null,
CourseSort sort = null,
CourseSearchBy searchBy = null,
Order order = null 

Returns a list of courses associated with the account.

accountId , when omitted, defaults to self. All other parameters are optional and serve to narrow the search or change the included data.

accountIdThe account id.
searchTermA search term, searching either by course or teacher name as according to searchBy .
withEnrollmentsOnlyIf true, only include courses with at least 1 enrollment. If false, only include courses with no enrollments. If omitted, no-op.
publishedIf true, only include courses that are published. If false, only include courses that are not published. If omitted, no-op.
completedIf true, only include courses that are completed. If false, only include courses that are not completed. If omitted, no-op.
blueprintIf true, only include courses that are blueprints. If false, only include courses that are not blueprints. If omitted, no-op.
blueprintAssociatedIf true, only include courses that inherit from a blueprint. If false, only include courses that do not inherit from a blueprint.. If omitted, no-op.
enrollmentTermIdIf present, only include courses from this term.
byTeachersIf present, only include courses taught by these teachers.
bySubaccountsIf present, only include course associated with these subaccounts.
enrollmentTypesIf present, only include courses that have at least user enrolled with one of these enrollment types.
statesIf present, only include courses that are in one of these states. If omitted, all states except CourseStates.Deleted are included.
includesAdditional data to include in the returned objects.
sortThe column to sort by.
searchByThe column that searchTerm searches by.
orderThe order of results when sorted by sort .
The list of courses.

◆ ListDiscussionEntryReplies()

async Task<IEnumerable<TopicReply> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ListDiscussionEntryReplies ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  topicId,
ulong  entryId,
string  type = "courses" 

Gets the list of replies to a discussion entry.

courseIdThe course id.
topicIdThe topic id.
entryIdThe discussion entry id.
type(Optional; default = 'courses') The type of discussion entry.
The list of replies.

◆ ListGroupDiscussionTopicEntries()

async Task<IEnumerable<TopicEntry> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ListGroupDiscussionTopicEntries ( ulong  groupId,
ulong  topicId 

Gets a list of discussion topic entries for a group topic, given the group and topic IDs.

groupIdThe group id.
topicIdThe topic id.
The list of TopicEntry.

◆ ListRoles()

async Task<IEnumerable<Role> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ListRoles ( RoleState  states = 0,
bool?  showInherited = null,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Returns a list of roles under a given account.

statesOnly roles with these states will be returned. Defaults to RoleState.Active.
showInheritedIf true, include roles inherited from parent accounts.
accountIdThe account id. Defaults to self.
The list of roles.

◆ ListUsers()

async Task<IEnumerable<User> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ListUsers ( string  searchTerm = null,
string  sort = null,
string  order = null,
string  accountId = "self" 

Get the list of users associated with the account. Corresponds to the API endpoint GET /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/users.

searchTermThe partial name or full ID of the users to match.
accountIdThe account to search. self by default.
sortThe column to sort results by. Allowed values are username, email, sis_id, last_login.
orderThe order to sort the given column by. Allowed values are asc, desc.
The list of users found in the search.
ExceptionThrown if the API returns a failing response code.

◆ LoadCustomJson()

async Task<JObject> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.LoadCustomJson ( string  ns,
string  scopes,
ulong?  userId = null 

Retrieve arbitrary user data as JSON. Corresponds to the API endpoint GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/custom_data(/*scope).

nsThe namespace under which the data is stored.
scopesThe scope, and optionally subscopes, under which the data is stored.
userIdThe id of the user.
The JSON data.
See also

◆ MasqueradeAs()

void UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.MasqueradeAs ( ulong  id)

If the current user is an administrator, he can "act as" another user. When this is set, every API call will be made as if it came from this user's token, even if the user does not have any tokens generated. Audit logs will indicate if an action was made through masquerade, though.

Masquerading is not thread safe, so do not share Api between threads if using masquerading.

idThe user to masquerade as.

Certain endpoints, for example those relating to the activity stream and personal files, can only be called on self. Masquerading makes it possible to bypass this restriction.

◆ MovePersonalFile()

async Task<CanvasFile> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.MovePersonalFile ( ulong  fileId,
OnDuplicate  onDuplicate,
string  name = null,
ulong?  destinationFolderId = null 

Moves a personal file for the current user.

fileIdThe file id.
onDuplicateThe action taken to resolve a duplicate.
name(Optional) The new name. If none given, the previous name will be kept.
destinationFolderId(Optional) The id of the folder to move the file into. If none give, the file will remain in place.
The file.

◆ PersonalFolderPathExists()

async Task<bool> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.PersonalFolderPathExists ( params string[]  parts)

Determine if a personal folder exists at the given path.

partsEach folder in the path, in order.
Whether or not the personal folder exists.

◆ PostCourseDiscussionEntry()

async Task<TopicEntry> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.PostCourseDiscussionEntry ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  discussionId,
string  messageBody,
byte[]  attachment = null,
string  filePath = null 

Creates a new entry in the discussion topic.

courseIdThe course id.
discussionIdThe discussion id.
messageBodyThe message body to post.
attachment(Optional) The attachment to post.
filePathThe filename with its extension, required if uploading an attachment.
The entry.

◆ ReactivateEnrollment()

async Task<Enrollment> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ReactivateEnrollment ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  enrollmentId 

Reactivate an enrollment that is inactive.

courseIdThe course.
enrollmentIdThe enrollment.
The reactivated enrollment.

◆ RemoveObservee()

async Task<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.RemoveObservee ( ulong  observerId,
ulong  observeeId,
ulong?  rootAccountId = null 

Set a user to stop being observed by another user.

observerIdThe observer.
observeeIdThe observee.
rootAccountId(Optional) The id of the root account from which to remove the link.
The former observee.

◆ ResolvePersonalFolderPath()

async Task<IEnumerable<Folder> > UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.ResolvePersonalFolderPath ( params string[]  parts)

Retrieve a hierarchy of personal folders from a path.

partsEach folder in the path, in order.
The list of folders, starting from root and ending with the deepest subfolder.
DoesNotExistExceptionIf the path given does not exist or is not visible.

◆ StartReport()

async Task<Report> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StartReport ( string  reportType,
IEnumerable<(string, object)>  parameters,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Run a report.

reportTypeThe type of report to run, as given by ListAvailableReports.
parametersThe optional set of report parameters. The name, type, and semantics of these parameters are specific to each report type.
accountIdThe account id. Defaults to self.
The task containing the initial report instance.
See also

◆ StopMasquerading()

void UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StopMasquerading ( )

Stop "acting as" any user.

◆ StoreCustomJson()

async Task<JObject> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StoreCustomJson ( string  ns,
string  scopes,
JObject  data,
ulong?  userId = null 

Store arbitrary user data as JSON. Corresponds to the API endpoint PUT /api/v1/users/:user_id/custom_data(/*scope).

nsThe namespace under which to store the data.
scopesThe scope, and optionally subscopes, under which to store the data.
dataThe JSON data.
userIdThe id of the user.
A copy of the stored json.
See also

◆ StreamAccountAuthenticationEvents()

async IAsyncEnumerable<AuthenticationEvent> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamAccountAuthenticationEvents ( ulong?  accountId = null,
DateTime?  start = null,
DateTime?  end = null 

Streams the list of authentication events recorded for the given account.

accountIdThe account id. Defaults to self.
startThe beginning of the date range to search in.
endThe end of the date range to search in.
The stream of events.

The authentication log keeps any given event for 1 year.

◆ StreamAccountGradingPeriods()

async IAsyncEnumerable<GradingPeriod> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamAccountGradingPeriods ( ulong  accountId)

Streams all grading periods in an account.

accountIdThe account id.
The stream of GradingPeriods.

◆ StreamAccounts()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Account> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamAccounts ( AccountIncludes  includes = AccountIncludes.Default)

Stream the accounts in this domain.

includes(Optional) Extra data to include in the response.
The stream of accounts.

◆ StreamActivityStream()

async IAsyncEnumerable<ActivityStreamObject> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamActivityStream ( bool?  onlyActiveCourses = null)

Streams the activity stream for the current user.

onlyActiveCoursesIf true, only entries for active courses will be returned.
The activity stream.

◆ StreamAppointmentGroupParticipants< T >()

async IAsyncEnumerable<T> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamAppointmentGroupParticipants< T > ( ulong  appointmentGroupId)

Streams all registered participants in the assignment group.

appointmentGroupIdThe id of the appointment group.
Template Parameters
TThe participant type. Either User or Group.
The stream of participants.
Type Constraints
T :IAppointmentGroupParticipant 
T :IPrettyPrint 

◆ StreamAppointmentGroups()

async IAsyncEnumerable<AppointmentGroup> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamAppointmentGroups ( AppointmentVisibilityScope scope = null,
bool?  includePast = null,
AppointmentGroupIncludes includes = null,
IEnumerable< EventContext contexts = null 

Streams the appointment groups that can be managed or reserved by the current user.

scopeThe kind of relationship the current user must have with the returned groups. AppointmentVisibilityScope.Reservable by default.
includePastWhether or not to include past appointments.
includesAdditional data to include.
contextsAny contexts to filter the results by.
The stream of appointment groups.

◆ StreamAssignmentGradeChangelog()

async IAsyncEnumerable<GradeChangeEvent> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamAssignmentGradeChangelog ( ulong  assignmentId,
DateTime?  start = null,
DateTime?  end = null 

Streams the grade changelog for a single assignment.

assignmentIdThe assignment id.
startThe beginning of the range to search.
endThe end of the range to search.
The changelog.

◆ StreamAssignmentOverrides()

async IAsyncEnumerable<AssignmentOverride> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamAssignmentOverrides ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  assignmentId 

Streams the assignment overrides for a given assignment.

courseIdThe course id.
assignmentIdThe assignment id.
The stream of overrides.

◆ StreamCalendarEvents()

async IAsyncEnumerable<CalendarEvent> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamCalendarEvents ( ulong?  userId = null,
EventType?  type = null,
DateTime?  startDate = null,
DateTime?  endDate = null,
bool?  undated = null,
bool?  allEvents = null,
IEnumerable< EventContext contexts = null 

Stream calendar events.

userId(Optional) The user to filter by.
type(Optional) The event type to filter by.
startDate(Optional) The beginning of the date range to search.
endDate(Optional) The end of the date range to search.
undated(Optional) Allow undated events.
allEvents(Optional) Include all events.
contextsEvent contexts to search.

◆ StreamColumnEntries()

async IAsyncEnumerable<ColumnDatum> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamColumnEntries ( ulong  columnId,
ulong  courseId 

Streams column entries.

columnIdThe column id.
courseIdThe course id.
The stream of entries.

◆ StreamConversations()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Conversation> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamConversations ( ConversationReadState readState = null,
IEnumerable< QualifiedId filter = null,
bool  filterIntersection = false,
bool  includeParticipantAvatars = false 

Streams the conversations visible to the current user.

readState(Optional) The read state to filter by.
filter(Optional) The qualified ids to filter by.
filterIntersection(Optional) If true, the predicate in filter is an AND instead of an OR.
includeParticipantAvatars(Optional) If true, include the participant avatars in the result.
The stream of conversations.

◆ StreamCourseAssignments()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Assignment> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamCourseAssignments ( ulong  courseId,
AssignmentIncludes  includes = AssignmentIncludes.Default,
string  searchTerm = null,
bool?  overrideAssignmentDates = null,
bool?  needsGradingCountBySection = null,
AssignmentBucket bucket = null,
IEnumerable< ulong >  assignmentIds = null,
string  orderBy = null 

Streams all assignments in this course that are visible to the current user.

courseIdThe course id.
includesOptional extra data to include in the assignment response.
searchTermAn optional search term.
overrideAssignmentDatesApply assignment overrides to dates. Defaults to true.
needsGradingCountBySectionSplit the NeedsGradingCount key into sections. Defaults to false.
bucketAn optional bucket to filter the returned assignments by.
assignmentIdsAn optional list of ids to filter the returned assignments by.
orderByAn optional string determining the order of assignments.
The stream of assignments.
See also
AssignmentIncludes, AssignmentBucket

◆ StreamCourseAssignmentSummary()

async IAsyncEnumerable<CourseAssignmentSummary> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamCourseAssignmentSummary ( ulong  courseId)

Gets a summary of per-assignment information for this course, including statistical analysis of assignment scores.

courseIdThe course id.
The stream of CourseAssignmentSummary objects.

◆ StreamCourseEnrollments()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Enrollment> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamCourseEnrollments ( ulong  courseId,
IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentRoleTypes types = null,
IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentState states = null,
CourseEnrollmentIncludes includes = null,
ulong?  userId = null,
ulong?  gradingPeriodId = null,
ulong?  enrollmentTermId = null,
string  enrollmentTermSisId = null,
IEnumerable< string >  sisAccountIds = null,
IEnumerable< string >  sisCourseIds = null,
IEnumerable< string >  sisSectionIds = null,
IEnumerable< string >  sisUserIds = null,
IEnumerable< bool >  createdForSisId = null 

Streams all enrollments for the course.

courseIdThe course id.
types(Optional) The set of enrollment types to filter by.
states(Optional) The set of enrollment states to filter by.
includes(Optional) Data to include in the result.
userId(Optional) The user id to filter by.
gradingPeriodId(Optional) The grading period id to filter by.
enrollmentTermId(Optional) The enrollment term id to filter by. Cannot be used with enrollmentTermSisId.
enrollmentTermSisId(Optional) The enrollment term SIS id to filter by. Cannot be used with enrollmentTermId.
sisAccountIds(Optional) The set of account SIS ids to filter by.
sisCourseIds(Optional) The set of course SIS ids to filter by.
sisSectionIds(Optional) The set of section SIS ids to filter by.
sisUserIds(Optional) The set of user SIS ids to filter by.
createdForSisId(Optional) If using sisUserIds, restrict the filtering per SIS id to only include enrollments made for that exact SIS id. This is relevant when a user has multiple SIS ids.
The stream of enrollments.

◆ StreamCourseGradeChangelog()

async IAsyncEnumerable<GradeChangeEvent> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamCourseGradeChangelog ( ulong  courseId,
DateTime?  start = null,
DateTime?  end = null 

Streams the grade changelog for a single course.

courseIdThe course id.
startThe beginning of the range to search.
endThe end of the range to search.
The changelog.

◆ StreamCoursePageRevisionHistory()

async IAsyncEnumerable<PageRevision> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamCoursePageRevisionHistory ( ulong  courseId,
string  url 

Streams the history of course page revisions.

courseIdThe course id.
urlThe page URL.
The revision history.

◆ StreamCoursePages()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Page> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamCoursePages ( ulong  courseId,
PageSort sort = null,
Order order = null,
string  searchTerm = null,
bool?  published = null 

Stream all pages for a course.

courseIdThe course id.
sort(Optional) Which field to sort results by.
order(Optional) The order of sorted results; defaults to Order.Ascending.
searchTerm(Optional) A search term.
published(Optional) If true, only return published courses. If false, exclude published pages.
The pages.

◆ StreamCourses()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Course> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamCourses ( ulong?  accountId = null,
string  searchTerm = null,
bool?  withEnrollmentsOnly = null,
bool?  published = null,
bool?  completed = null,
bool?  blueprint = null,
bool?  blueprintAssociated = null,
ulong?  enrollmentTermId = null,
IEnumerable< ulong >  byTeachers = null,
IEnumerable< ulong >  bySubaccounts = null,
CourseEnrollmentTypes enrollmentTypes = null,
CourseStates states = null,
AccountLevelCourseIncludes includes = null,
CourseSort sort = null,
CourseSearchBy searchBy = null,
Order order = null 

Asynchronously streams the courses associated with this account.

accountId , when omitted, defaults to self. All other parameters are optional and serve to narrow the search or change the included data.

accountIdThe account id.
searchTermA search term, searching either by course or teacher name as according to searchBy .
withEnrollmentsOnlyIf true, only include courses with at least 1 enrollment. If false, only include courses with no enrollments. If omitted, no-op.
publishedIf true, only include courses that are published. If false, only include courses that are not published. If omitted, no-op.
completedIf true, only include courses that are completed. If false, only include courses that are not completed. If omitted, no-op.
blueprintIf true, only include courses that are blueprints. If false, only include courses that are not blueprints. If omitted, no-op.
blueprintAssociatedIf true, only include courses that inherit from a blueprint. If false, only include courses that do not inherit from a blueprint.. If omitted, no-op.
enrollmentTermIdIf present, only include courses from this term.
byTeachersIf present, only include courses taught by these teachers.
bySubaccountsIf present, only include course associated with these subaccounts.
enrollmentTypesIf present, only include courses that have at least user enrolled with one of these enrollment types.
statesIf present, only include courses that are in one of these states. If omitted, all states except CourseStates.Deleted are included.
includesAdditional data to include in the returned objects.
sortThe column to sort by.
searchByThe column that searchTerm searches by.
orderThe order of results when sorted by sort .
The stream of courses.

◆ StreamCourseSections()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Section> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamCourseSections ( ulong  courseId,
SectionIncludes  includes = 0 

Streams all sections in a course.

courseIdThe course id.
includesOptional data to include with each Section object.
The stream of sections.

◆ StreamCourseStudentSummary()

async IAsyncEnumerable<CourseStudentSummary> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamCourseStudentSummary ( ulong  courseId,
ulong?  studentId = null,
StudentCourseSummarySortColumn sortBy = null 

Gets a summary of per-user access information for students in this course, including total page views, total participations, and a breakdown of late statuses for all submissions.

courseIdThe course id.
studentIdOptionally, a student id to filter by.
sortByAn optional column to sort by.
The stream of CourseStudentSummary objects.

◆ StreamCourseUsers()

async IAsyncEnumerable<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamCourseUsers ( ulong  courseId,
string  searchTerm = null,
IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentTypes enrollmentTypes = null,
ulong?  enrollmentRole = null,
CourseUserIncludes includes = null,
IEnumerable< ulong >  userIds = null,
IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentState enrollmentStates = null 

Streams the list of users enrolled in a course.
All arguments except for courseId are optional, and serve to narrow (or broaden) the results.

courseIdThe course id.
searchTerm(Optional) The string or numeric id to search by.
enrollmentTypes(Optional) The enrollment types to filter by.
enrollmentRole(Optional) The role id to filter by.
includesOptional data to include with the results. See CourseUserIncludes.
userIds(Optional) User ids to filter by.
enrollmentStates(Optional) The enrollment states to filter by.
The stream of users.

◆ StreamCustomGradebookColumns()

async IAsyncEnumerable<CustomColumn> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamCustomGradebookColumns ( ulong  courseId,
bool?  includeHidden = null 

Streams the custom gradebook columns in the given course.

courseIdThe course id.
includeHidden(Optional; default = false) If true, include hidden columns.
The stream of gradebook columns.

◆ StreamEnrollmentTerms()

async IAsyncEnumerable<EnrollmentTerm> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamEnrollmentTerms ( ulong?  accountId = null,
EnrollmentTermWorkflowStateFilter workflowState = null,
EnrollmentTermIncludes includes = null 

Streams the enrollment terms for an account.

accountIdThe account id. Defaults to the current account.
workflowStateAn optional workflow state to filter by.
includesOptional data to include with the results.
The stream of EnrollmentTerms.

◆ StreamGraderGradeChangelog()

async IAsyncEnumerable<GradeChangeEvent> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamGraderGradeChangelog ( ulong  graderId,
DateTime?  start = null,
DateTime?  end = null 

Streams the grade changelog for a single grader.

graderIdThe grader id.
startThe beginning of the range to search.
endThe end of the range to search.
The changelog.

◆ StreamGradingPeriods()

async IAsyncEnumerable<GradingPeriod> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamGradingPeriods ( ulong  courseId)

Streams all grading periods in a course.

courseIdThe course id.
The stream of GradingPeriods.

◆ StreamGradingPeriodSets()

async IAsyncEnumerable<GradingPeriodSet> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamGradingPeriodSets ( ulong  accountId)

Streams all grading period sets in an account.

accountIdThe account id.
The stream of grading period sets.

◆ StreamMissingAssignments()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Assignment> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamMissingAssignments ( ulong?  userId = null,
bool  submittableOnly = false,
bool  includePlannerOverrides = false,
bool  includeCourse = false 

Stream a user's past-due assignments which have no submissions.

userId(Optional) The user id. Self by default.
submittableOnly(Optional) Only return assignments which still accept submissions.
includePlannerOverrides(Optional) Include planner overrides in the assignments.
includeCourse(Optional) Include courses in the assignments.
The stream of assignments.

If not calling this method on self, the caller must be an admin or observer.

◆ StreamModuleItems()

async IAsyncEnumerable<ModuleItem> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamModuleItems ( ulong  moduleId,
ulong  courseId,
bool  includeContentDetails = true,
[CanBeNull] string  searchTerm = null,
ulong?  studentId = null 

Streams the items in a module.

moduleIdThe module id.
courseIdThe course id.
includeContentDetails(Optional; default = true) Whether or not to include content details.
searchTerm(Optional) A search term.
studentId(Optional) A student id. Returns module completion information for this student if specified.

◆ StreamModules()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Module> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamModules ( ulong  courseId,
[CanBeNull] string  searchTerm = null,
ulong?  studentId = null,
ModuleIncludeType  includes = ModuleIncludeType.None 

Streams the list of modules for the given course.

courseIdThe course id.
searchTerm(Optional) A search term.
studentId(Optional) A student id. Returns module completion information for this student if specified.
includes(Optional) Additional data to request in the result.
The stream of modules.

Canvas does not guarantee that includes requested in includes will actually be included. Consider using StreamModuleItems.

◆ StreamObservees()

async IAsyncEnumerable<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamObservees ( ulong  observerId)

Streams the observees associated with an observer.

observerIdThe observer.
The stream of observees.

◆ StreamObservers()

async IAsyncEnumerable<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamObservers ( ulong  observeeId)

Streams the observers associated with an observee.

observeeIdThe observee.
The stream of observers.

◆ StreamPersonalFiles()

async IAsyncEnumerable<CanvasFile> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamPersonalFiles ( IEnumerable< ContentType >  includeContentTypes = null,
IEnumerable< ContentType >  excludeContentTypes = null,
string  searchTerm = null,
FileIncludes includes = null,
bool  onlyIncludeFileNames = false,
FileSort sortBy = null,
Order order = null 

Stream the current user's personal files.

includeContentTypes(Optional) Content types to include.
excludeContentTypes(Optional) Content type to exclude.
searchTerm(Optional) A search term.
includes(Optional) Extra data to include with the results.
onlyIncludeFileNames(Optional) Only include file names with the results.
sortBy(Optional) The category to sort the results by.
order(Optional) The order to sort the results by.
The stream of files.

◆ StreamPersonalFolders()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Folder> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamPersonalFolders ( )

Stream the current user's personal folders.

The stream of folders.

◆ StreamReceivedContentShares() [1/2]

IAsyncEnumerable<ContentShareWithSender> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamReceivedContentShares ( [NotNull] User  receiver)

Stream the content shares for which some user is a receiver.

receiverThe receiver.
The stream of shares.

The current user must be an observer of receiver , or an administrator.

◆ StreamReceivedContentShares() [2/2]

async IAsyncEnumerable<ContentShareWithSender> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamReceivedContentShares ( ulong?  userId = null)

Stream the content shares for which some user is a receiver.

userId(Optional) The id of the receiver. Self by default.
The stream of shares.

If userId is not Self, the current user must be an observer of the user, or an administrator.

◆ StreamRecentCourseUsers()

async IAsyncEnumerable<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamRecentCourseUsers ( ulong  courseId)

Streams the list of users enrolled in a course who have recently logged in.

courseIdThe course id.
The stream of users, sorted by User.LastLogin.

◆ StreamSectionEnrollments()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Enrollment> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamSectionEnrollments ( ulong  sectionId,
IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentRoleTypes types = null,
IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentState states = null,
CourseEnrollmentIncludes includes = null,
ulong?  userId = null,
ulong?  gradingPeriodId = null,
ulong?  enrollmentTermId = null,
string  enrollmentTermSisId = null,
IEnumerable< string >  sisAccountIds = null,
IEnumerable< string >  sisCourseIds = null,
IEnumerable< string >  sisSectionIds = null,
IEnumerable< string >  sisUserIds = null,
IEnumerable< bool >  createdForSisId = null 

Streams all enrollments for the section.

sectionIdThe section id.
types(Optional) The set of enrollment types to filter by.
states(Optional) The set of enrollment states to filter by.
includes(Optional) Data to include in the result.
userId(Optional) The user id to filter by.
gradingPeriodId(Optional) The grading period id to filter by.
enrollmentTermId(Optional) The enrollment term id to filter by. Cannot be used with enrollmentTermSisId.
enrollmentTermSisId(Optional) The enrollment term SIS id to filter by. Cannot be used with enrollmentTermId.
sisAccountIds(Optional) The set of account SIS ids to filter by.
sisCourseIds(Optional) The set of course SIS ids to filter by.
sisSectionIds(Optional) The set of section SIS ids to filter by.
sisUserIds(Optional) The set of user SIS ids to filter by.
createdForSisId(Optional) If using sisUserIds, restrict the filtering per SIS id to only include enrollments made for that exact SIS id. This is relevant when a user has multiple SIS ids.
The stream of enrollments.

◆ StreamSentContentShares() [1/2]

IAsyncEnumerable<ContentShareWithReceivers> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamSentContentShares ( [NotNull] User  sender)

Stream the content shares for which some user is a sender.

senderThe sender.
The stream of shares.

The current user must be an observer of sender , or an administrator.

◆ StreamSentContentShares() [2/2]

async IAsyncEnumerable<ContentShareWithReceivers> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamSentContentShares ( ulong?  userId = null)

Stream the content shares for which some user is a sender.

userId(Optional) The id of the sender. Self by default.
The stream of shares.

If userId is not Self, the current user must be an observer of the user, or an administrator.

◆ StreamStudentGradeChangelog()

async IAsyncEnumerable<GradeChangeEvent> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamStudentGradeChangelog ( ulong  studentId,
DateTime?  start = null,
DateTime?  end = null 

Streams the grade changelog for a single student.

studentIdThe student id.
startThe beginning of the range to search.
endThe end of the range to search.
The changelog.

◆ StreamSubmissionVersions()

async IAsyncEnumerable<SubmissionVersion> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamSubmissionVersions ( ulong  courseId,
ulong?  assignmentId = null,
ulong?  userId = null,
bool?  ascending = null 

Streams an uncollated list of submission versions for all matching submissions in the context.

courseIdThe course id.
assignmentIdAn optional assignment id to filter by.
userIdAn optional user id to filter by.
ascendingSorts the list in ascending order by date.
The stream of submission versions.

The returned objects will be missing the properties NewGrade and PreviousGrade.

◆ StreamToDoItems()

async IAsyncEnumerable<ToDoItem> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamToDoItems ( bool  includeUngradedQuizzes = false)

Stream the current user's to-do items.

includeUngradedQuizzes(Optional) If true, include ungraded quizzes.
The stream of to-do items.

◆ StreamUserAuthenticationEvents()

async IAsyncEnumerable<AuthenticationEvent> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamUserAuthenticationEvents ( ulong  userId,
DateTime?  start = null,
DateTime?  end = null 

Streams the list of authentication events recorded for the given user.

userIdThe user id.
startThe beginning of the date range to search in.
endThe end of the date range to search in.
The stream of events.

The authentication log keeps any given event for 1 year.

◆ StreamUserCourses()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Course> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamUserCourses ( ulong  userId,
IndividualLevelCourseIncludes includes = null,
CourseStatesAlt courseStates = null,
CourseEnrollmentStateAlt enrollmentState = null,
bool?  homeroomCoursesOnly = null 

Streams the list of courses a user is enrolled in. All arguments except userId are optional, and serve to narrow (or broaden) the results.

userIdThe user id.
includesOptional data to include with the results. See IndividualLevelCourseIncludes.
courseStates(Optional) The course states to filter by.
enrollmentState(Optional) The enrollment state to filter by.
homeroomCoursesOnly(Optional) If true, only return homeroom courses.

◆ StreamUserEnrollments()

async IAsyncEnumerable<Enrollment> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamUserEnrollments ( ulong  userId,
IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentRoleTypes types = null,
IEnumerable< CourseEnrollmentState states = null,
CourseEnrollmentIncludes includes = null,
ulong?  gradingPeriodId = null,
ulong?  enrollmentTermId = null,
string  enrollmentTermSisId = null,
IEnumerable< string >  sisAccountIds = null,
IEnumerable< string >  sisCourseIds = null,
IEnumerable< string >  sisSectionIds = null,
IEnumerable< string >  sisUserIds = null,
IEnumerable< bool >  createdForSisId = null 

Streams all enrollments for the user.

userIdThe user id.
types(Optional) The set of enrollment types to filter by.
states(Optional) The set of enrollment states to filter by.
includes(Optional) Data to include in the result.
gradingPeriodId(Optional) The grading period id to filter grades by.
enrollmentTermId(Optional) The enrollment term id to filter by. Cannot be used with enrollmentTermSisId.
enrollmentTermSisId(Optional) The enrollment term SIS id to filter by. Cannot be used with enrollmentTermId.
sisAccountIds(Optional) The set of account SIS ids to filter by.
sisCourseIds(Optional) The set of course SIS ids to filter by.
sisSectionIds(Optional) The set of section SIS ids to filter by.
sisUserIds(Optional) The set of user SIS ids to filter by.
createdForSisId(Optional) If using sisUserIds, restrict the filtering per SIS id to only include enrollments made for that exact SIS id. This is relevant when a user has multiple SIS ids.
The stream of enrollments.

◆ StreamUserPageViews()

async IAsyncEnumerable<PageView> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamUserPageViews ( ulong?  userId = null,
DateTime?  startTime = null,
DateTime?  endTime = null 

Streams the user's page view history. Page views are returned in descending order; newest to oldest.

userIdThe id of the user. Defaults to self.
startTimeThe beginning of the date-time range to retrieve page views from. Defaults to unbounded.
endTimeThe end of the date-time range to retrieve page views from. Defaults to unbounded.
The stream of page views.

◆ StreamUsers()

async IAsyncEnumerable<User> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.StreamUsers ( string  searchTerm = null,
string  sort = null,
string  order = null,
string  accountId = "self" 

Stream the list of users associated with the account. Corresponds to the API endpoint GET /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/users.

searchTermThe partial name or full ID of the users to match.
accountIdThe account to search. self by default.
sortThe column to sort results by. Allowed values are username, email, sis_id, last_login.
orderThe order to sort the given column by. Allowed values are asc, desc.
The stream of users found in the search.
ExceptionThrown if the API returns a failing response code.

◆ SubmitCourseAssignment()

async Task<Submission> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.SubmitCourseAssignment ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  assignmentId,
[NotNull] INewSubmissionContent  submissionContent,
string  comment = null 

Make a submission under the current user for this assignment.

courseIdThe course id.
assignmentIdThe assignment id.
submissionContentThe content to submit.
commentAn optional comment to include with the submission.
The completed submission.
See also
OnlineTextEntrySubmission, OnlineUrlSubmission, OnlineUploadSubmission

◆ UnCrossListSection()

async Task<Section> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.UnCrossListSection ( ulong  sectionId)

Removes the cross-listing of a section.

sectionIdThe section id.
The section.

◆ UpdateColumnCustomEntry()

async Task<ColumnDatum> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.UpdateColumnCustomEntry ( ulong  columnId,
ulong  courseId,
ulong  userId,
string  content 

Updates the content of a custom column entry.

columnIdThe column id.
courseIdThe course id.
userIdThe user id.
contentThe content.
The updated entry.

◆ UpdateCourseSettings()

async Task UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.UpdateCourseSettings ( ulong  courseId,
CourseSettings  cs 

Update a course's settings.

courseIdThe course id.
csThe new settings.
A void task.

◆ UpdateCustomColumn()

async Task<CustomColumn> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.UpdateCustomColumn ( ulong  columnId,
ulong  courseId,
string  title = null,
int?  position = null,
bool?  hidden = null,
bool?  teacherNotes = null,
bool?  readOnly = null 

Updates an existing gradebook column. Any omitted optional parameter is unchanged.

columnIdThe column id.
courseIdThe course id.
title(Optional) The title of the column.
position(Optional) The position of the column relative to other columns.
hidden(Optional) If true, this column will be hidden.
teacherNotes(Optional) If true, this column will be considered a teacher notes column.
readOnly(Optional) If true, this column will not be editable through the UI.
The newly updated column.

◆ UpdateCustomColumnEntries()

async Task UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.UpdateCustomColumnEntries ( ulong  courseId,
IEnumerable< ColumnEntryUpdate updates 

Bulk update the contents of several custom column entries.

courseIdThe column id.
updatesThe updates.

◆ UpdateEnrollmentTerm()

async Task<EnrollmentTerm> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.UpdateEnrollmentTerm ( ulong  enrollmentId,
EnrollmentTermBuilder  builder,
ulong?  accountId = null 

Updates an enrollment term.

enrollmentIdThe enrollment id.
builderThe completed EnrollmentTermBuilder.
accountIdThe account id. Defaults to the current account.
The updated EnrollmentTerm.

◆ UpdateGradingPeriod()

async Task<GradingPeriod> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.UpdateGradingPeriod ( ulong  courseId,
ulong  gradingPeriodId,
DateTime?  startDate = null,
DateTime?  endDate = null,
double?  weight = null 

Updates a single grading period.

courseIdThe id of the course the grading period belongs to.
gradingPeriodIdThe id of the grading period.
startDateOptional; The new start date.
endDateOptional; The new end date.
weightOptional; The new weight.
The updated grading period.

◆ UpdateGradingPeriodSet()

async Task UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.UpdateGradingPeriodSet ( ulong  accountId,
ulong  gradingPeriodSetId,
[CanBeNull] string  title = null,
[CanBeNull] IEnumerable< ulong >  termIds = null,
bool?  weighted = null,
bool?  displayTotalsForAllGradingPeriods = null 

Updates an existing grading period set.

accountIdThe account id.
gradingPeriodSetIdThe grading period set id.
titleOptional; The new title.
termIdsOptional; The new list of term ids to associate with the set.
weightedOptional; The new value of this setting.
displayTotalsForAllGradingPeriodsOptional; The new value of this setting.

◆ UpdatePersonalFile()

async Task<CanvasFile> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.UpdatePersonalFile ( ulong  fileId,
DateTime?  lockAt = null,
DateTime?  unlockAt = null,
bool?  locked = null,
bool?  hidden = null 

Updates a personal file for the current user. All arguments except for fileId are optional.

fileIdThe file id.
lockAtWhen the file should lock.
unlockAtWhen the file should unlock.
lockedWhether or not the file is locked.
hiddenWhether or not the file is hidden.
The file.

◆ UpdatePersonalFolder()

async Task<Folder> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.UpdatePersonalFolder ( ulong  folderId,
string  name 

Updates a personal folder for the current user.

folderIdThe folder id.
nameThe folder name.
The folder.

◆ UploadPersonalFile()

Task<CanvasFile> UVACanvasAccess.ApiParts.Api.UploadPersonalFile ( byte[]  file,
string  filePath,
string  parentFolderName = null 

Uploads a file to the current user's personal files section.

fileThe data.
filePathThe URI of the file on the local system. Must include, at a minimum, the name and the extension.
The uploaded file.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: