Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CApiThis class is the primary interface for interacting with the Canvas API.
 CAppointmentGroupBuilderA class used to create or edit appointment groups using the builder pattern. When all desired fields are set, call Post to execute the operation
 CAssignmentBuilderA class used to create or edit assignments using the builder pattern. When all desired fields are set, call Post to execute the operation
 CAssignmentOverrideBuilderA class used to create or edit assignment overrides using the builder pattern. When all desired fields are set, call Post to execute the operation
 CCourseBuilderUsed to create courses using the builder pattern. When all desired fields are set, call Post to execute the operation
 CCreateDiscussionTopicBuilderA class used to create new DiscussionTopics using the builder pattern. When all desired fields are set, call Post to create the topic
 CCreateUserBuilderA class used to create new Users using the builder pattern. When all desired fields are set, call Post to create the user
 CBadApiStateExceptionIndicates that an operation failed due to bad state, or because completing it would result in a bad state
 CCommunicationExceptionIndicates a generic HTTP failure response. If the API replied with a JSON error body, it is included
 CDoesNotExistExceptionIndicates that some operation failed because the target thereof does not exist or is invisible to the current user
 CIAppointmentGroupParticipantIndicates that implementing classes can be participants in an appointment group
 CIPrettyPrintClasses implementing this interface provide an implementation for formatted output in the form of:
 COptInIndicates that the annotated property is null or absent by default, and must be explicitly included by an include parameter